Wish You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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Wish You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I hope that you look back on 2018 with joy and happiness and can look forward to 2019 with excitement and a hope to only make it better, more peaceful, healthier and meaningful. This will be your year to not only dream and want and wish, but to actually make it happen. As you look forward to the new year and contemplate some of the goals you wish to accomplish, here is my message to all of you.

Make lifestyle your religion:
Lifestyle is the way forward. The way we eat, sleep, move, think, breathe or the environment we live in is what matters the most. Lifestyle is a religion that’s about you, your truth, who you are, who you want to be with people, clothes and people that make you truly comfortable. It’s about self-care, self-worth, feeling good and doing what’s right for your body and mind. It’s about aligning your life with nature and believing in its intelligence, powers and miracles. It’s about making a difference, no matter how small it is.
Lifestyle will eventually replace all fad diets, exercise, detox programs that force your body to lose weight. We are products of nature and nature works best when it is in balance. We need balance but most people are following fads today because of the herd mentality as “everyone is doing it”. We need to change that mentality. With a little bit of common sense, discipline and by exercising control over greed and laziness, we can live with a balanced lifestyle and diet. In the process of adopting lifestyle as your religion and being you, you may lose a couple of but those were the ones worth losing. You can find so much more happiness and peace within and beyond.

Expand your thinking beyond medicines:
Healing is when you start thinking beyond just science, and fixed, rigid ‘mindsets and theories’ (not that they may be wrong) and use nature, food exercise, sleep, emotional balance, hope, miracles, belief, faith, prayer, sunshine, rest, and harness the immune system which is really the body’s most intelligent healing and prevention system. There is so much more beyond medicine and not thinking beyond may just limit the endless possibilities.
Thinking beyond medicines is not about dumping medication if you are on it, it’s about going beyond medicine and discovering a world of possibilities, healing, miracles with an essence of simplicity. Believe in science and also respect it, but also believe in common sense and nature, and the fact that aligning the human body and mind with nature plays a huge role in healing and prevention, human wellness and happiness.

Healing has to be holistic and integrative:
Holistic is when we look at the person as a ‘whole’ – you cannot separate the body and mind, the environment, inside and outside of that body. While addressing any health problem, it’s important to look at a balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, emotional health, and the internal and external environment the person maybe in. We need doctors and medicines, but we also need lifestyle changes. We must work with medicine in an integrative manner. Work in parallel and invest effort in improving our lifestyle in such a way that the doctors themselves reduce or stop the medicines. When lifestyle changes are made and the body begins to heal, it will automatically replace all of that. We must believe and trust in nature. Nature is where we came from.  It has intelligence and power to heal. It’s about time we use the healing power of our body and mind and every cell in your body to create health and wellness,

Let’s make healing possible …Wishing all of you all happy holidays and a very happy new year.

– Luke Coutinho

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