Tag - emotional healing

Healing medicines

4 Secret Powerful Healing Medicines Hidden Within You

Let’s begin with a story:   I remember this lady telling me years ago, she had cancer, and was recovering and healing.   Her children, with all the right intentions, would book business class tickets and say, “Come to London, let's go to the Maldives.”   And she said to me, “Luke, I don't want to say no. Because I...


Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One: A Message on Grieving, Hope, and Living From a Real Experience in My Life

The past two years have been difficult for many people across the world. More so for those of us who have loved and lost people closest to our hearts. Our line of work brings us unbelievable opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life - those sick, dying, suffering, or even grieving....


Can Yoga Positively Rewire Your Brain?

Does the thought of yoga rewiring your brain fascinate you? Well, that post-session happiness you often feel isn’t just in your head. Yoga legit brings a change in your brain chemistry. And guess what? You don't need to twist yourself into a pretzel to attain these benefits. Even simple poses can work magic. Let us...

Your Life, Your responsibility

How To Take Responsibility Of Your Life

As much as it sounds assertive, it's the truth. We can sit back and find a ton of reasons, situations, events, and people who have caused unhappiness and misery in our life, we can wallow in the mistakes we made and let it anchor us down, we can fight, play power moves in relationships,...


How To Cope Up With A Breakup

With so much exposure to spirituality, spiritual healers, self-help books, meditation techniques and meditation camps, ability to leave everything and head to the mountains to find oneself when going through all of these emotions, it’s a wonder how depression, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. is at its highest. This statement in no way...


The Root Cause Of 70% Of Lifestyle Diseases REVEALED!

As sickness continues to grow across different countries in the world, there is a massive gap between treatment and healing that needs to be filled with things like nutrition, adequate amounts of exercise, the right quality of sleep, the right quantity of sleep and your emotional health. You can never divorce physical health from...