16 Kgs Lighter, Happier, Healthier, and More Confident: Meghaa’s Journey Is All the Inspiration You Need

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16 Kgs Lighter, Happier, Healthier, and More Confident: Meghaa’s Journey Is All the Inspiration You Need

16 kgs lighter, happier, healthier, and more confident version of herself
Meghaa’s fat loss journey is all the inspiration you need to move to action!

How it started

“The nightmare started with my struggle for weight loss. I tried all fad diets to reach that ideal size or fit into that dress. The results of all that nonsense in my 20s and a sedentary life made me struggle with hormonal imbalance in my 30s. The aftermath landed me in the hospital, leaving me emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially drained. Until I met Hajira from Team Luke, who visualized a new me that I could never see,” she shares.

Where we are today

“The first reaction after looking at Luke’s wellness program was OMG! It’s so expensive. How will I afford it? But today, after 7 months – I feel it is worth every penny. My acidity is gone. Plus, I discovered I am an awesome cook! Physically, oh I am so hot. Mentally, I am so cool. No longer anxious and disturbed. I am mindful about how I eat and exercise. I know what’s right for me. It is the journey of a lifetime and my way of living now. A healthy and confident version of me,” shares Meghaa.

When Meghaa came to us, she struggled with:

  • Recurrent acidity
  • Excess fat gain
  • Chronic stress
  • Deranged blood work parameters
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Hormonal imbalance
    And more…

How did we help?

Using precise cellular nutrition and science-backed lifestyle changes to activate anti-angiogenesis, retrain immunity, regulate inflammation, rebuild the gut microbiome, regenerate stem cells, and encourage DNA repair.

What worked for her?

  • Making her believe that it was possible
  • Addressing deep-seated emotions and chronic stress
  • Identifying and addressing the root cause of acidity
  • Introducing pre and probiotics to populate gut microflora
  • Managing blood sugar levels with different functional foods
  • Shifting to a GFCF protocol
  • Regular physical activity and weight training
  • Sleep hygiene practices
    And more.

Improving her relationship with food

“Hajira made me realize the importance of nutrition in my fat loss journey and a sustainable lifestyle. There were no cheat meals or cheat days! I had reward meals that I enjoyed with my loved ones without worrying about my diet or weight. This made me more mindful about eating because there were no more guilt trips or embarrassing feelings,” says Meghaa.

Using innovation, discipline, and consistency

“The world of health recipes that Team Luke has compiled – OMG, right from the cookies to cakes to sauces! I dedicated my time to making new recipes. The program also taught me the importance of movement and exercise. Sacrifice, hard work, self-discipline, and consistency are the keys to unlocking a new you. There is no shortcut. Not just eating right and exercising, but also paying attention to your emotional and mental health and sleeping well. Surreal, but it can be achieved,” she shares.

The power of personalized coaching

“I have seen her become emotionally, physically, and mentally stronger. Her confidence and self-esteem have grown. Her willpower and never-say-die attitude are what made her win. She has never complained about the food she eats and is always enthusiastic about a new plan. She is a great cook and works hard to make everything taste good. Proud of how far she has come,” shares Syeda Hajira Banu, her Senior Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at Team Luke.


What Luke Says

Our 2 cents

At every point in our lives, we have to choose what is harder. Is it hard to remain unhealthy with extra weight that our bodies are not designed for, low energy, loss of enthusiasm, days feeling like a drag & most of the time not feeling like it…


Is it hard to maintain the discipline of lifestyle, consistent workouts, mindfulness towards eating habits & giving our bodies the rest it deserves?

Meghaa chose her hard.

Frustrated with weight/fat loss issues despite dieting and working out, she came to us with hope. Our integrative team understood her as a whole, beyond her weight, blood reports, and symptoms.

We work with root causes, and for her, it was hormonal imbalance, poor gut health & bottled-up emotions. She didn’t need a diet plan; she needed a lifestyle plan.

We put together a protocol respecting her bio-individuality.

  • Activating defense mechanisms: anti-angiogenesis, DNA repair, stem cell regeneration, diversifying gut microbiome, training her immune system & controlling inflammation
  • Going smart low carb & adopting You Care Lifestyle Flow
  • Focusing on stimulating lean muscle for fat loss
  • Repairing metabolic health
  • Unbottling suppressed emotions
  • Deep, quality sleep & rest
  • Visualizing a healthier version of herself & believing in the process
  • Changing narratives from cheat meals to “reward” meals & reframing relationship with food
  • Surrendering the result but celebrating small wins along the way

Fast forward 7 months, here she is sharing her success story. What felt like an expense now feels like an investment to her.

16 kgs lighter, thriving daily despite the challenges we all face, killing it in the gym, sleeping like a baby, feeling her best version, head held high & looking forward to all the good things coming her way.

When you look at human health from a lens of nutrition, exercise, sleep, emotional health, happiness, nature, service, connections – everything gets better. Complication isn’t always necessary.

She moved from struggle to strength & so can YOU.



Did this story inspire you? Start your journey to fat loss and reclaim your health.


Know more about our Holistic Wellness Programs Here. 


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at 1800 102 0253 or write to us at consults@lukecoutinho.com.


Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for her doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. Her protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.

    From a pimple to cancer, our You Care Wellness Program helps you find a way

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