Tag - attitude

Reprogramming your subconscious mind

The 95% Solution: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Limitless Potential

We've all heard about the law of attraction and the wonders of manifestation, but why does it seem to work like magic for some and not for others?   That’s because we are just scratching the surface and unaware of the incredible potential our subconscious minds have!   Let’s Unlock The Limitless Power Within Our Subconscious Mind! We all...

Two Free-of-Cost Vitamins for Immunity, Longevity, and Health Span

What is the secret to immunity, health, longevity, and lifespan? There are no magic pills and every pillar of your lifestyle matters. But there are two powerful vitamins that I want to write about today. Many of us do not use it as freely as we should. What are these vitamins? Vitamin E (Exercise)...

Knowledge Action Syndrome

This Syndrome Is Affecting Millions Beware!

You have gotten yourself enrolled for the best diet program, taken a gym membership as well, signed up for a chanting class, purchased a couple of self-help books and shopped for some yoga tees for motivation too. But, where is the action? We live in a world where we have an overload of information. The...

world health day

Attitude & Self Discipline – The Two Most Powerful Drugs That Can Change Your Health & Life

There are two powerful healing drugs : Attitude and Self-discipline. Most people don’t like to hear these words. Their defense immediately goes up, a part of their mind closes, they don’t want to accept it, only because they know its the truth, and the truth is usually ugly and bitter. So people will find ways...