Tag - estrogen

carrots cancer estrogen dominance

Carrots for Cancer, Estrogen Dominance and a Natural Cleanse

During my recent trip to New York, as I interacted with doctors, nutritionists, research scientists, and other integrative and lifestyle medicine experts, one revolutionary root vegetable kept coming up in conversations. Today I want to speak to you about it. It takes me back to my childhood. From grade 1 to 10, when my mum...


The Power of Pomegranates: 5 Health Benefits You Cannot Miss

From mythology, poetry, and religious scriptures to scientific journals and Ayurveda - pomegranates appear in various texts throughout time. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicine in different civilizations and grows abundantly in India. Let us discuss what makes the wonder fruit one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Do you...

Hormones Could Affect Your Heart Health: Our Hormone Experts Reveal

The heart and hormone connection is real. Image credits: Unsplash Your life will keep beating until your healthy heart keeps beating. And to have a healthy heart, you must be aware of what matters to your heart! With so much evidence on the link between our habits and our risk for developing certain health risks,...