Tag - free radicals

almonds benefits

9 Reasons Why Almonds Are the Best Snack For You

Most of us grew up with our parents encouraging us to eat nuts and seeds soaked overnight. Yet many of us forget that these are fantastic sources of nutrients when we have them the right way and in the correct quantity. Today I want to speak to you about almonds. Here’s some trivia about them....

beetroot benefits-2

1 Super Veggie, 10 Benefits: Have You Added This Inexpensive Root Vegetable to Your Plate?

When you and I eat this vegetable, it instantly turns our tongues into a deep red hue. Most of us grew up having a love-hate relationship with it. This inexpensive vegetable would always find its place in everything from your sandwich to sabzis and even salads. Scientific studies show how this humble vegetable can...

star anise benefits

The Star of Spices: Have You Added This to Your Meals?

Shaped like a flower or a star, this spice is one of the most potent antivirals in the world. Pharmaceutical companies use its extract to manufacture the common drug Tamiflu, used to treat cold, cough, viral fever, and swine flu. This spice also finds its special place in Chinese and Indian cuisine and traditional...