Tag - lifestyle medicine


Conventional Medicine or Holistic Wellness or Both?

When the fights and war between conventional medicine and wellness ends, there is a chance and hope of real healing happening in an integrated way. Be it pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, conventional or alternative medicine, when the intention is wrong, there can be no progress but when the intention is right and the (more…)


Bloating: Causes and Natural Ways to Cure

Are you the one who wakes up to a huge round belly and a puffy face in the morning that soon settles down towards mid-day and come evening ,you regain the puffiness once again ? And just because of how you felt in the morning, you have cursed yourself all day long and even...


Understanding Eczema And How To Handle It Naturally

Eczema is a skin condition which denotes that there's inflammation in the human body. The red patch of skin like little red dots is called vesicles or pustules. These little vesicles are nothing but inflamed skin. It carries a lot of heat and toxins. Sometimes these vesicles basically break and there is an odourless...