Tag - pure ghee

Looking for A Miracle Cure For Constipation Try This Inexpensive Hack Instead

Looking for A Miracle Cure For Constipation? Try This Inexpensive Hack Instead

Are you finding it difficult to poop? It may feel like a mere inconvenience, but most people do not realize it can be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Yes, constipation may be embarrassing to discuss or may not make for the most enticing cocktail party conversation. But if you are struggling with...

pure ghee benefits

The Magic of Pure Ghee: 10 Reasons to Start Embracing It

Remember when you were growing up, how your mothers and grandmothers would put a dollop of shudh desi ghee on your rotis, khichdi, and ladoos? Pure ghee has now been deemed a superfood and sold around the globe for exorbitant prices. The simplest way to use it is to make this at home. As...

thermogenic foods burn fat

15+ Thermogenic Foods That Can Help You Burn Fat

Did you know that there are foods that can help you burn fat? Known as thermogenic foods, these can help stoke your metabolic rate and burn calories. Now before you start thinking only overeating and loading on these foods will help you with fat loss, let me correct you. There is no magic food...