Tag - religion

The Divine Prescription Unleashing the Power of ‘Vitamin P’ Prayer

The Divine Prescription: Unleashing the Power of ‘Vitamin P’ Prayer

A couple of months ago, I received a message on Facebook. It moved me and strengthened my belief in the power of Vitamin P even more. Are you wondering what Vitamin P is? No, it isn't a nutrient for your body but it could certainly be food for your soul. It stands for Prayer. Before...


Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One: A Message on Grieving, Hope, and Living From a Real Experience in My Life

The past two years have been difficult for many people across the world. More so for those of us who have loved and lost people closest to our hearts. Our line of work brings us unbelievable opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life - those sick, dying, suffering, or even grieving....