Need Better Skin, Hair And Gut Health? Include THIS Miracle Oil In Your Daily Routine

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Need Better Skin, Hair And Gut Health? Include THIS Miracle Oil In Your Daily Routine

Did you know that a wholesome oil, with a range of therapeutic and medicinal properties, is easily found at every corner pharmacy? One that has its roots embedded deep into Indian culture for its many benefits, used by our parents and grandparents to treat a variety of problems. One that you’ve heard of before, but are probably unaware of its properties – Castor Oil!

What is castor oil made of?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil made from Ricinus communis, common to the Eastern parts of the world. Its unique chemical composition consists of ricinoleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid and is antibacterial, antifungal, and analgesic in nature.

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Castor oil seeds. Photo Credits: Pixabay/ Gokalp Iscan

Benefits of using castor oil

Enhances immunity

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Photo Credits: Freepik/Pikisuperstar

Immunity is the first line of defense against any disease, and that is why I constantly emphasize the importance of improving and maintaining immunity. Consumption of castor oil boosts lymphocytes, particularly T11 cells, which help fight and shield the body against foreign invaders – be it bacteria or viruses. T11 cells are also significant in the fight against cancer. Better immunity supports the body against all diseases.

Improves bowel movement

castor oil benefits
Photo Credits: Freepik/Cookie_Studio

Upon ingesting, ricinoleic acid produces a mild laxative effect, helps to cure problems like constipation, and also loosens fecal matter in the colon, helping to deworm the colon and flush it out completely.

Supports overall gut health

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Photo Credits: Freepik/Diana Grytsku

Due to the imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in the gut, many people today suffer from acidity, bloating, inability to lose weight, poor skin quality, and hair fall. Almost 80% of your immunity lies in your gut. Consuming only 1 tsp of castor oil can help get rid of unhealthy bacteria and rebalance your gut flora. Applying a blend of castor oil and hing (asafoetida) around the navel can also provide relief from acidity, gas, and colic in babies and adults.

Helps with arthritis and joint pain

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Photo Credits: Freepik/Katemangostar

Arthritis is defined as acute or chronic inflammation in the joints. This causes several symptoms ranging from pain to absolute stiffness. If you use castor oil, or make a slightly warmed blend of castor, olive, and coconut oil, and massage it over the inflamed joints – it can penetrate deep into the skin and provide relief.

Improves hair quality

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Photo Credits: Freepik/Valuavitaly

Castor oil has an age-old reputation for delivering good hair health. It helps with premature graying, dandruff, and hair fall. With a cotton ball, apply a warm mixture of castor oil with either coconut or olive oil as the carrier oil and massage for 20 minutes for strong and thick hair.

Tip: Adding a few drops of lemon to this mixture will make the oil alkaline.

Can help with acne

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Photo Credits: Freepik

The modern cosmetic and skincare industry is promoting the usage of different types of oils for the face, one of which is castor oil. Here is some scientific information for your reference –

So, it is simple – soak a piece of cotton in a mixture of coconut and castor oils, and gently dab it on the affected areas. The potent, anti-bacterial properties penetrate the skin and reduce acne inflammation.

Though castor oil has several skin benefits, we recommend that you consult your healthcare provider or dermatologist, and do a patch test before incorporating it into your skincare routine, to rule out any allergies.

Fights candidiasis

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Photo Credits: Freepik/ Way Home Studio

Candidiasis is an infection caused due to a yeast called candida and can affect the oral cavity, vagina, penis, or other parts of the body. Candida normally lives in these places, without causing issues – however, an overgrowth of it can cause discomfort and make you vulnerable to infections. Since the ancient Indian era, castor oil has been used in the effective treatment of candida overgrowth and thrush bacterial infections. Consuming castor oil already fights infection from within, but you can also cool the oil in a refrigerator, mix it with a carrier oil like coconut and apply it topically.

Helps with lymphatic drainage

Scientific research proves a direct link between castor oil consumption and lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system is the body’s drainage system and works to remove toxins from the body. If your lymphatic system is working poorly, it will fail to remove toxins efficiently, which can lead to severe health problems. You can whip up an easy, reusable castor oil pack – which can help you with the detoxification of the lymphatic system.

castor oil benefits
Photo Credits: Freepik/ Yanalya

To use a castor oil pack for lymphatic drainage, follow these steps:

  • Take a soft, clean cotton cloth and place it in a bowl
  • Add enough castor oil to submerge the cloth
  • Pick a comfortable spot, and lay down – Like most oils, castor oil can stain cloth, so be mindful of your clothes and where you choose to rest
  • Have a hot water bag/pack ready
  • Now place the submerged cloth on the area you wish to cleanse
  • You can opt to cover it with a plastic sheet or cling wrap or avoid if it is uncomfortable
  • Place the hot water pack on top of this, and let the pack do its job for 30-40 minutes
  • After you’re done, clean the area with warm water
  • You can store this cloth in a zip-lock bag, or an airtight glass container, and reuse it.

How can I consume castor oil?

If you are new to this, directly drinking a tsp of castor oil from the bottle could be repulsive due to the overpowering bad smell, and could even give you nausea. Firstly, you must always opt for good quality, cold-pressed castor oil. Secondly, mix it with a tinge of jaggery, or mix it in a glass full of juice.

Side effects of overconsuming castor oil

Castor oil is a powerful laxative, hence needs to be consumed in the appropriate amount for it to affect your body correctly.
Some of the common side effects of over-consumption, or not consuming castor oil as it is medically prescribed to you are:

  • Vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Dizziness

Shop for good quality castor oil here.

A Very Important Exception

Though castor oil is healthy and safe to consume in general, it should be absolutely avoided by pregnant women, as it can induce labor.

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Photo Credits: Freepik/ Nakaridore

Pregnant women can go into labor within 24 hours of consuming castor oil. In ancient Indian times, castor oil was used as an effective method to induce labor in women who had surpassed their due date, and modern science supports this practice.

So if you are pregnant, and are at term, please consume castor oil only with the permission and guidance of your doctor.

The Bottom Line

So, earlier in this article, why did I call castor oil a miracle oil? It is one single tsp of oil, with so many benefits to the body. The most important is that it helps to improve immunity and protects the body against disease. Having good immunity is like being ready to fight bad bacteria or viruses at any time. Moreover, the benefits of including castor oil in cosmetic procedures are also a proven scientific fact.

Are you ready to upgrade your body mechanism, with a single tsp of the miracle – castor oil? Start today. Tell me how it worked for you.

Disclaimer: Do it only if it suits you, avoid it if it doesn’t. Always keep your healthcare provider in the loop before trying anything new especially if you have a condition or are on medication. None of what is mentioned in this blog can replace medical advice. Make an informed decision always. 


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Comments (2)

  • Bella Reply

    For how long should it be taken? Is it one tsp every night?

    March 1, 2023 at 5:17 pm
    • Team Luke Reply

      A tsp a day works.

      March 17, 2023 at 4:07 pm

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