
Masterclass of the month

Find out in Luke’s next masterclass on June 29th, 2024, at 11 AM IST
Empowering Healthy Choices: Holistic Tips for Children

We live in a world where children are exposed to information overload and digital saturation. By grounding them in the principles of holistic well-being, we can shield their formative years from the chaos of excess, fostering a balanced perspective.

While being protective and establishing rules are common parenting approaches, there are better ways to help our kids bloom. Children watch and learn from adults, which is why it is necessary to lead by example. This masterclass is uniquely designed for children and their parents or caregivers, empowering both to learn and apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle together.

Discover practical strategies to reduce dependency on gadgets by promoting enriching nature time, which can significantly enhance your child’s mood and cognitive abilities. Learn how to instill foundational habits such as gratitude and the expression of kindness through simple daily rituals, which are essential for developing emotional intelligence.

The masterclass will also tackle how to effectively manage and communicate about the challenging aspects of growing up, such as dealing with peer pressure, understanding the impact of junk food, and using technology wisely. Armed with these skills, you and your children will be better equipped to navigate modern childhood, ensuring they grow into well-rounded and confident individuals.
Find out in Luke’s next masterclass on June 29th, 2024, at 11 AM IST
Priced at INR 999/-


This masterclass is for you if:

  1. Are a child or teenager ready to build strong habits and make smart choices for a happier, healthier life.
  2. Are a parent or caregiver committed to nurturing a holistic lifestyle that empowers your children to thrive in all aspects of life.
  3. Care about nurturing holistic health from the early stages of your child’s development.
  4. Seek to empower your child with tools for emotional well-being.
  5. Are looking for a balance between gadget time and interaction with nature.
  6. Want to instill habits of gratitude, empathy, and effective communication in your children.
  7. Need guidance on managing children’s diet without succumbing to the convenience of junk food.
  8. Aim to educate your children on the creative and safe use of social media and the internet.

What can you learn from this masterclass:

  1. The five pillars of a healthy lifestyle for kids: Deep Cellular Nutrition, Adequate Movement, Quality Sleep, Emotional Wellness, and Reconnection with the Spirit.
  2. Build emotional empowerment to help children cope with life’s challenges.
  3. Manage and balance screen time with beneficial outdoor activities.
  4. The importance of daily gratitude practices and evening rituals like bedtime prayers.
  5. Practice saying “Thank you,” “Sorry,” and “Please”—these magic words make everyone feel good!
  6. Talk about your feelings and learn why sharing them with mom and dad is important.
  7. Understand what to do if someone is being mean or if things don’t feel right at school or online.
  8. Cultivate hobbies that enrich children’s lives and foster long-term skills.
  9. Deal with challenges like peer pressure, bullying, setting healthy boundaries, and the competitive nature of social interactions among children.
  10. Creative and imaginative play: its role in the cognitive and emotional development of children.
  11. Find out what you can learn from not winning all the time and why sometimes, not getting what you want is okay.
  12. The dos and don’ts of social media: guiding safe and healthy internet habits.
Empowering Healthy Choices: Holistic Tips for Children – An Exclusive Masterclass By Luke
Only at INR 999/-


What do Luke’s masterclasses bring to the table?

1. In a world flooded with information and many perspectives on wellness, Luke brings to you his top learnings and over 13 years of experience in the field of Integrative and Lifestyle medicine merging deep research, science, and simplicity.
2. This isn’t your usual masterclass where you are left with just information, but realistic actionable steps you can begin taking.
3. A wide range of topics from disease prevention and management to spirituality, nutrition, relationship struggles, emotional health, mind-body exercises, and several other wellness and lifestyle topics.
4. Understand Luke’s perspective on some of the hottest and trending topics, whether it’s for kids, teens, young adults, middle-aged individuals, or senior citizens.
5. A 360° approach to every topic covering the 5 fundamental pillars of holistic health
6. Join online from any part of the world whether you are home or work to learn, evolve, and gain wisdom firsthand.
7. An enriching 45-minute live session brimming with profound insights and invaluable wisdom shared by Luke, followed by a 15-minute moderated Q&A session.
**Rest assured, any unanswered questions will be addressed via email, ensuring a comprehensive and fulfilling learning experience.
How have these masterclasses have touched people’s lives and health
Previous Masterclass by Luke for Kids on How to Meditate
What makes our integrative approach successful worldwide?
The 5 foundational pillars of holistic health
These five pillars form the foundation of our entire platform for healing, recovery, and prevention.
Balanced Cellular Nutrition
Cellular Nutrition is finding what kind of nutrition suits your body type, metabolism, and health goals. It is the ability to nourish your body at the cellular level. It’s not just about what’s on your plate. It is about how you eat, the flow you follow, how you optimize its absorption, and support your cells in carrying out various functions. It is about embracing diversity, food synergies, bioavailability, and a lot more.
Adequate Exercise
Adequate Exercise isn’t about adopting extremes. It is about encouraging movement into your lifestyle that is safe and tailored to suit you while also respecting your limits. It is holistic in nature, and covers cardio, strength, flexibility, endurance, mobility and balance. It prioritizes exercises that make you feel happy, robust, and alive through movement’s grace.
Quality Sleep
Quality sleep encourages not just sleeping long enough, but well enough too. Sleep is a phase where our body repairs, cleanses, and rejuvenates, affecting everything from mood to metabolism. Integrative Medicine sees sleep as a potent medicine, addressing barriers uniquely. While medication helps some, overlooked factors like a sleep-friendly environment and rhythm balance matter. Through this pillar we pave the way for the body’s healing through quality sleep—a priceless, irreplaceable gift.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness stands at the top of our paradigm of health. Nurturing this pillar does not mean pushing down feelings and difficult emotions, and putting up a strong face. It is about using powerful tools like acceptance, letting go, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, surrender, faith, prayers, visualizations, meditation, pranayama, art, nature, and music among others, to help navigate difficult emotions and feelings to create a state of harmony within the body. Because, all healing and recovery can only occur when our body is in a state of calm.
The Spirit
The Spirit focuses on reconnecting with ourselves on a deeper level. The farther we stray from our spirit, the more unhappy and disconnected we feel. Spirituality isn’t always complex—it can be as simple as being kind or serving others. This pillar guides you in nurturing your inner self in a way that resonates with you, whether it’s through meditation, immersing in nature, silence, meaningful relationships, prayer, learning from spiritual scriptures, or following paths of wisdom passed down through stories.
In these technologically dominant and competitive times, preventative strategies and a holistic approach can help children immensely. Learn how you can contribute to a healthier, happier future for your child.

Date: June 29th, 2024
Time: 11 AM IST
Venue: Zoom (online)

To register or for more details, contact us via email at


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