Condition Management

Change Pride to an attitude of deep humility

The Humility Factor: How Letting Go of Pride Can Change Everything

Before I touch upon the focus of this article, I want to share an interaction I had recently.      I just experienced the most beautiful consult with a patient of mine for eight years. Her cancer keeps coming back all the time. She has gone through 70 chemo cycles. And yet when she comes to me,...

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS in conditon management

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS

As humans, it is in our nature to avoid pain and seek comfort, which is why so many of us keep painkillers handy. These tablets have their moment and purpose in condition management, but the real issue arises when they're misused – taken as casually as one might pop a candy.     The problem is, while...

Autoimmune Disorders Condition Management with the help of reducing chronic stress, improving gut health, and promoting emotional wellness

Autoimmune Disorders: 3 Lifestyle Secrets of Condition Management

Do you ever wonder if there's more to managing autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, eczema, Hashimoto's, or multiple sclerosis than just relying on medications? While immunosuppressants and steroids play a crucial and life-saving role in treatment, their long-term use and dependence can lead to significant side effects.   Autoimmune diseases can cause extreme stress and feel like...

From Desk to Nursing Chair Our Lactation Experts Share Proven Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms

From Desk to Nursing Chair: Our Lactation Experts Share Proven Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms

Mothers are never not at work. From the mothers that work in the harsh sun in the fields and plantations with babies in their cloth slings and the homemakers who juggle a hundred chores to the ones that don multiple hats at the workplace, mothers ace every role they own. We understand that returning to...

Feeling Tired All the Time Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Find Out.

Feeling Tired All the Time? Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Find Out.

Did you know May 12 marks World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a problem that plagues millions across the globe. In this, people complain of being tired all the time, no matter what they do. It affects women more than men. You can experience...

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

High blood pressure or hypertension is known as a silent killer. But guess what? It doesn't have to be if you identify and take measures to control it before it gets out of hand. The truth is that high blood pressure or hypertension is plaguing millions as you read this. Did you know one...

High Uric Acid and Gout Try This Today

High Uric Acid and Gout? Natural Ways and Lifestyle Tips to Manage It

High uric acid is a health issue affecting millions as you read this. When left unaddressed, this high uric acid can become gout. It is a painful condition that can cause permanent damage to the tissues and joints it affects. Can you live without uric acid? No. Can something be done to reduce high...

Breakup, Lost Love, or Grief Pushing You Into Despair It’s Not Your Fault, But a Chemical Thing!

Breakup, Lost Love, or Grief Pushing You Into Despair? It’s Not Your Fault, But a Chemical Thing!

Have you felt a deep ache or a sea of overwhelming emotions threatening to drown you when you lose a loved one or experience a breakup? Why does ending that relationship or going through waves of grief feel so colossal? So many people around the world that I meet - both young and old...

Why Do Your Farts Smell So Bad? Find Out.

Why Do Your Farts Smell So Bad? Find Out.

You have heard me speak of indigestion, bloating, and acidity at length in the past. One of the interesting and peculiar queries that many of you have asked me to address is about smelly farts. “Luke, why do my farts smell so bad? Does it indicate an issue with my gut or increased inflammation?” Let's break...

5 Lifestyle Changes to Win the Battle Against Acidity

5 Lifestyle Changes to Win the Battle Against Acidity

Let us address a severe but unnoticed health issue – Acidity. It has been scientifically proven to have adverse effects on the digestive system and affects millions of people in the world. Due to several issues, predominantly linked to bad lifestyle choices, the pH regulator, which is responsible for keeping our systems alkaline, is thrown...

How To Deal With Migraines? Causes, Symptoms, and Possible Fixes

How To Deal With Migraine Headache? Causes, Symptoms and Possible Fixes

Migraine headache is a neurological condition that can cause multiple symptoms. It is commonly known as an intense, painful, and debilitating headache. An excruciating pain that can last anywhere between four hours to even days. Migraine Headaches: Causes & Symptoms It can be preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs such as: Flashes of light Blind...