Gut Health Program with Luke’s Team 6 Months

Gut Health Program with Luke’s Team 6 Months


If gut health is not part of your health plan, it is time to change it. Your gut is also known as your second brain. 80% of your immunity lies there. Our personalized Gut Health Program looks at the present condition of your gut, understands your symptoms, and works on it from aspects like nutrition, emotional health, activity, sleep, and overall lifestyle.

SKU: GHPT_6M Category:


From acne and hair fall to food sensitivity and low immunity to acidity or constipation – most health concerns begin from the gut. Your gut is the epicenter of your health. Poor gut health does not just reflect on your physical self but has an enormous impact on your emotional self. Our personalized Gut Health Program assesses the present condition of your gut and works on it from various aspects like nutrition, emotional health, activity, sleep, and overall lifestyle. From improving digestion, immunity, skin and hair health, mental health, and body weight, personalizing yogic asanas and practices to managing symptoms, disease progression, and maintaining overall gut health – we help you find a way.

From a pimple to cancer, our You Care Wellness Program helps you find a way

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