Search Results - beetroot

Lifestyle Hacks to Tackle Dengue

Dengue is a viral infection caused by a certain kind of mosquito. I am not going to go into those details as we are going to come straight to the symptoms and solution. There's really no medication that can treat dengue because it's a viral infection and antibiotics don't work on viruses. This doesn't mean...


Top 6 Healthy Traditional Snacks Your Kids Should Try!

Is your child fond of fancy food? Influenced by popular culture, we have embraced new and convenient foods like fries, pizzas and burgers. However, as celebrated chef Julia Child has said, sometimes the simple recipes passed down through generations are the best.Parents often make the mistake of thinking that when their child comes (more…)


Why You Should Include Moringa in Your Diet?

Ask your grandmother and she’d probably be able to tell you how moringa [drumstick], which is now being sold as a pricey superfood, was once used extensively to heal and prevent disease or simply as a tasty dish. The once easily available leaves of Moringa Oleifera or simply moringa are now hard to find with the local vegetable...