Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer to Clear PET Scan: Aishwarya’s Incredible Journey

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Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer to Clear PET Scan: Aishwarya’s Incredible Journey

“My life completely fell off its axis in September with a sudden unexpected discovery of a tumor on my ovary. I had to undergo urgent surgery – a complete hysterectomy due to a stage 1 ovarian cancer diagnosis. Having lost both my parents to cancer, I completely understood the importance of a holistic healing plan beyond my medical treatments. Signing up with Team Luke was the best decision I made.”

– Aishwarya


45-year-old businesswoman, Aishwarya, came to us in September 2023 with Ovarian Cancer Grade 1 post-cytoreductive surgery.


  • Post-surgery she was advised 6 chemotherapy sessions
  • Her major post-chemotherapy side effects included blood sugar spikes, muscle fatigue
  • History of diabetes mellitus and hypertension
  • Panic attacks
    And more.


This is her story.


stage-1-ovarian-cancerFinding the right support system

“I knew nutrition was going to play a key role in my healing. I felt supported by Paarmi with our weekly calls, check-ins, and food plans. Our WhatsApp group was like a backbone. I had someone to lean on for anything, even if it was just to express anguish and grief over my hair loss. The daily practices will stay with me forever. I am a strong and optimistic person by nature but I had some dark moments. The affirmations, guided meditations, small words of encouragement, and positivity helped me come out of this.”

What worked for her?

“We worked on activating the intelligent systems of the body like anti-angiogenesis, retraining immunity, regulating inflammation, encouraging stem cell regeneration and DNA repair through science-backed nutrition and lifestyle changes. We coached her day in and day out to be mentally stronger, to let go, accept, and move on. We encouraged her to celebrate her small wins and visualize her life goals,” shares her Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert, Paarmi Vora.

The high and lows

“There were breakdowns but we would hold her hand and help her bounce back. Managing her side effects especially when steroids were weaned off led to muscle fatigue to a great extent. However, asking her to take it easy and giving time to her body to recover and heal worked,” adds Paarmi.

The progress?

Her current PET scan reports are completely clear with no evidence of cancer.
Beyond this:

  • Her HbA1c reduced from 9.5 to 7
  • Insulin was weaned off completely
  • Blood sugar medications were reduced from thrice a day to 1/2 once a day
  • Emotional and mental health improved by leaps and bounds
  • Pursued a mentorship program in IIM Bengaluru through scholarship and graduated with flying colors
  • Visualized an international trip and enjoyed that 10-day trip thoroughly”

It’s been quite a journey! I finished all my treatments in March 2024 and have also had my first review. All is well and I am disease-free by the grace of God! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is my story and I am blessed to have come this far,” shares Aishwarya.

What Luke Says



Our 2 cents

This is a journey not just of cancer remission but also of strength, resilience, the power of coaching, belief & faith.
After losing both parents to cancer, imagine what went through her mind when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. While fear & uncertainty enveloped her, there was hope that this could be handled differently through an integrative approach.
She came onboard & our amazing Paarmi understood her case history, lifestyle, emotions, belief system & the treatment protocol recommended by doctors. Paarmi put together an intelligent cancer plan just for her, which included:

  • Deep cellular nutrition to activate anti-angiogenesis, DNA repair, stem cell regeneration, populate the gut microbiome, support immunological pathways & stall inflammation
  • Addressing side effects of steroids – muscle fatigue, blood sugar spikes, fluctuating blood pressure & restlessness
  • Hand-holding her through each day & every feeling
  • Managing fears & panic attacks
  • Helping her visualize the outcomes she wanted
  • Activating cleansing pathways to manage the cytotoxic effects of meds
  • Managing her health before & after chemo
  • Gentle yet smart movement
  • Circadian medicine
  • Meditations & affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs
  • Patience, faith & surrendering to the process

Today, this amazing & inspirational lady not only has a clean chit from her doctor, with a recent PET scan coming clear, but she is also pursuing her dreams.
She was at a point where life tested her hope, but coming from there to this far is nothing short of magic for her & us.
What worked for her to put cancer into remission? Nutrition alone didn’t do it, nor did chemo, radiation, surgery, or drugs. It was her whole lifestyle: sleep, movement, emotional health, right attitude & spirit, managing side effects of her meds & keeping elimination organs working efficiently. It was a 360° approach.
We are proud of you, Aishwarya! Your journey from struggle to strength needs to be shared with every cancer patient out there.


Did this story inspire you? Start your journey to address your cancer at its root.


Know more about our Cancer Care Program Here. 


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at

1800 102 0253 or write to us at


Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for her doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. Her protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.


    From a pimple to cancer, our You Care Wellness Program helps you find a way

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