10 Inexpensive Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Feel Happy

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Be happy: raise your vibration with 10 free methods

10 Inexpensive Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Feel Happy

We spend so much time focusing on our physical health, and that’s important, but have you ever noticed that despite doing everything right—eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep—you still feel low or negative? That’s because it’s not just about taking care of our bodies; our energy, and our vibration, play a huge role in how we feel overall.



Vibrations are simply the energy we carry, deeply influenced by our dominant emotions and thoughts. If you’re constantly stressed or anxious, your vibrations stay low, which can leave you feeling stuck or drained. On the other hand, raising your vibrations can create a shift in your energy, making you feel happy, lighter, and more connected.



Raising your vibration doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. In this article, we’ll explore simple, accessible ways to elevate your energy and improve your overall well-being, no matter where you are or what’s going on around you.



The Secret to Manifesting and Your Vibrational State

If you’re dealing with negativity in your life—whether it’s a toxic relationship, disease, or things just not going your way—that’s exactly when you need to focus on raising your vibration. It’s easy to feel stuck when you’re vibrating at a low level, but that’s all the more reason to shift your energy. When you raise your vibration, you start attracting things, people, and experiences that match that higher frequency. It opens up pathways to manifestation.



Many people struggle to manifest what they want because they’re operating at the wrong level. When you’re stuck in a low vibration, your mind creates obstacles that block you from receiving the good things that are already out there for you. It’s like having a closed door between you and the opportunities waiting on the other side. You need to open that door by raising your vibration.



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Think about it: you can’t expect to achieve great health, wealth, or love while constantly thinking negatively. If your mind is filled with doubts—”I don’t trust the doctor, I don’t trust the food, nothing’s going to work”—you’ve already blocked out whatever healing, abundance, or love could come your way. The same goes for any area of life. You have to be in a state of receiving to actually receive.



One of the quickest and easiest ways to raise your vibration is by shifting your most dominant feeling. Your most dominant feeling determines your vibration. If your dominant feeling for the past two hours was anger or frustration, just look around and you’ll see how those emotions have shaped your experiences. But if your dominant feeling was happiness, joy, or gratitude, reflect on how your energy—and the energy around you—felt different. This awareness is key to transforming your vibration and, ultimately, your life.



One important principle of vibrational frequency is, “What you put out into the universe will return to you.”



Like Attracts Like.



So, if you’ve been feeling low and keep ruminating about the things not working out for you: you’ll find more experiences that align with your negative mindset.



However, it’s easy to flip the script when you have so many ways to give yourself a boost of positivity– absolutely for free!


10 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations For Free 

1. Smile 

Smiling is one of the quickest ways to lift your vibration, and it’s more powerful than you might think. When you smile, your brain releases chemicals like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin—these are your body’s natural feel-good hormones. Even if it’s a forced or fake smile, it can still trick your brain into feeling happier. And that’s the beauty of it—sometimes, just the act of smiling can create a positive shift in how you feel, even if you started out feeling low.


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But smiling isn’t just about you. When you smile at someone else, you share that positive energy with them. I remember a day when I felt weighed down by stress, but I smiled at a stranger on my morning walk. That simple exchange of smiles shifted my mood for the rest of the day. It’s a powerful reminder that we are all connected, and something as small as a smile can brighten not just your day but someone else’s too. So, whenever you feel your energy dipping, try smiling, whether it’s at yourself in the mirror or at a stranger. It’s one of the simplest ways to raise your vibration and spread positivity around you.



2. Laughter 

Laughter is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to raise your vibration instantly. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins—those natural feel-good chemicals that reduce stress and make you feel more joyful. There’s even research showing that laughter lowers cortisol levels, which are closely linked to stress, helping to calm the mind and lighten the mood. It’s like your body’s way of pressing the reset button, bringing you back to a state of balance and positivity.



Laughter is also contagious. Think about the last time you were around a group of friends and one of you started laughing uncontrollably. Within seconds, everyone else was laughing too, even if no one really knew what was so funny. That’s the ripple effect of laughter—it raises not just your vibration but also the energy of everyone around you. A shared laugh can instantly bond people, lighten the mood, and turn a bad day into a good one.



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If you’re feeling low, make it a point to watch a funny video, call that friend who always makes you laugh, or recall a hilarious memory. Laughter is a free and effortless way to raise your vibration and brighten your day.



3. Random Acts of Kindness 

Kindness has a powerful effect on your energy. When you perform a random act of kindness, no matter how small, you’re sending out positive energy into the world. Kindness doesn’t require grand gestures; it could be as simple as smiling at someone, holding the door open, or complimenting a stranger. What’s beautiful about kindness is that it’s not about expecting something in return—it’s about sharing that good energy.



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When you take a moment to be kind to others, whether it’s to people, stray animals, or even children, it not only lifts your mood but also creates a ripple effect that uplifts everyone around you. Imagine the joy of feeding a stray animal or helping someone carry groceries. These simple actions can change someone’s entire day and boost your vibration in the process. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.



I once bought a cup of coffee for a stressed-out colleague, and the smile on their face was enough to lift my spirits for the rest of the day. That’s the beauty of kindness—it’s contagious.



When you give freely, you’re contributing to a world filled with more positive energy, and in turn, raising your own vibration.



4. Complimenting Others 

Offering a genuine compliment is one of the easiest ways to raise your vibration while simultaneously lifting someone else’s. A simple, heartfelt compliment can brighten someone’s day and create a ripple of positivity that extends beyond the moment. The key here is authenticity—people can sense when a compliment is sincere, and when it’s not. Authentic compliments come from a place of kindness and genuine appreciation, and that’s what makes them powerful.



It could be something as small as telling a co-worker you appreciate their help or complimenting someone on their new haircut. When you focus on finding something positive about others, you naturally shift your energy to a higher vibration. Plus, seeing someone’s face light up from your kind words can fill you with a sense of warmth and connection.



I remember a time when I complimented a stranger on their vibrant smile, and their reaction was so genuine, that it completely transformed my mood for the day. That’s the power of authentic compliments—they elevate not just the recipient but also the giver. So, the next time you notice something good in someone, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it. You’ll find that the act of lifting others automatically lifts you too.



5. Prayer and Spiritual Connection

Prayer and spiritual connection have a profound impact on your vibration. When you pray, you shift your focus from the worries of the day to something much larger—gratitude, trust, and faith. This shift helps raise your vibration by moving your energy away from fear and toward a sense of peace. Whether you’re praying for yourself or for others, prayer helps center you and align your energy with something positive.



One of the most beautiful aspects of prayer is that it’s not just about you. Praying for others, even strangers, can have an equally powerful effect on your vibration. Sending out positive intentions for someone else, especially in times of suffering, opens your heart and fosters a sense of connection with the world around you. This practice of selfless prayer lifts your energy and brings a sense of fulfillment and inner peace.



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Spiritual practices, whether it’s prayer, meditation, or simply spending time in reflection, can calm the mind and bring you back to a place of harmony. They help you let go of the things you can’t control and embrace the present moment with gratitude. And in doing so, you raise your vibration and align yourself with a higher frequency of peace and positivity.



6. Meditation and Chanting 

Meditation and chanting are powerful tools for raising your vibrations. When you meditate, you quiet the constant chatter of the mind, reducing stress and allowing your body to rest and regenerate. It helps you become more mindful of your thoughts and emotions, shifting your energy from chaos to calm. Chanting, whether it’s a mantra or simply humming, has a similar effect by creating vibrations within your body that resonate with higher frequencies of peace and positivity.



There are many forms of meditation—guided, mindfulness, or even simple deep breathing. Find what works best for you, be it a guide to help restore emotional wellness, a book, or videos. Chanting mantras like “Om” or others specific to your spiritual practice can enhance your experience. Personally, meditation has helped me find balance amidst the busyness of life. It’s a daily practice that keeps me grounded, and I always feel more positive and aligned after even a short session.



7. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest and most powerful ways to raise your vibration. When you focus on what you’re grateful for, your energy shifts from lack to abundance, from negativity to positivity. It doesn’t have to be grand gestures—small things like the morning sunlight, a warm cup of tea, or a kind word can transform your mindset. Gratitude aligns your energy with appreciation, allowing you to attract more of what you desire in life.



I once worked with a woman who had been struggling with poor health and fractured relationships with her daughters. She started practicing gratitude daily, focusing on the smallest blessings in her life. Over time, her mindset shifted. Her health improved—her vitals became more stable, and she felt happier. Even her relationship with her daughters grew stronger. Gratitude became her medicine.



‘That’s the power of this simple yet profound practice. Take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it elevates your mood and vibration.”

  • Luke Coutinho



8. Music

Music is medicine for the soul. The right song can change your mood in an instant, raising your vibration and filling you with energy. Music has this amazing ability to transport us, shift our emotions, and elevate our mindset. That’s why I always encourage people to create a “feel-good playlist”—songs that, no matter what, make you feel better. It could be something upbeat or calming, but the key is that it lifts you up.



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Beyond just your favorite tracks, there’s a science to this as well. Music therapy is used to promote healing, and specific frequencies, like 432 Hz, are known to help with relaxation and stress reduction. When you listen to music that resonates with you, it can help align your mood and even your body’s rhythms. So whether you’re dancing to your favorite tunes or listening to healing frequencies, music can be a powerful way to raise your vibrations.


9. Spending Time in Nature 

Nature has this incredible ability to lift our spirits and bring us back to balance. Whether it’s sitting by the ocean, walking in the park, or simply watching the sunrise, nature naturally raises our vibration. It grounds us, resets our energy, and reminds us of the simple beauty in life. When you immerse yourself in nature, you allow your mind to quiet down, and your body can finally relax.



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I remember a time when I felt particularly overwhelmed. I took a walk in the park, surrounded by trees, and within minutes, I could feel my energy shift. The weight on my shoulders seemed lighter, and I felt more at peace. That’s the power of nature. It’s accessible to all of us, and the benefits are profound. Try walking on grass, gardening, or sitting under a tree. So whether you live by the sea or just have access to a small patch of greenery, make time for nature—it’s one of the simplest ways to raise your vibration.



10. Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool to align your energy with the things you want to attract into your life. When you visualize, you create a mental image of the positive outcomes you desire—whether it’s better health, success, or happiness. By doing this, you’re not just daydreaming; you’re energetically preparing yourself to receive these blessings.



Effective visualization is all about imagining yourself already living in that reality. Feel it, see it, believe it. I remember visualizing a big goal for myself—at first, it seemed far-fetched. But by consistently practicing visualization, I found that doors began to open, opportunities flowed, and soon, what was once a vision became my reality. It’s not magic; it’s aligning your mind and energy with what you want.


“Start visualizing today—because if you can see it, you can achieve it.”

  • Luke Coutinho



Final Word:

Raising your vibrations is about reclaiming your power and tuning into the energy that creates a happier, healthier, and more abundant life. Life can throw challenges your way—whether it’s stress, illness, or negativity in your environment—but by consciously raising your vibration, you create a shift within yourself that opens up new possibilities. Remember, your most dominant feeling determines your vibration. If you’re feeling low, use the tools we discussed—smiling, laughing, showing kindness, practicing gratitude, and more—to uplift your energy.



The beauty of these practices is that they’re simple and accessible. You don’t need fancy tools or expensive programs to change your vibration—you just need intention and action. The more you practice raising your vibration, the more it becomes a natural part of your daily life. So start today, take control of your energy, and watch how everything around you starts to transform.




Ready to raise your vibrations and step into a more fulfilling life? 


Start small, with one manageable change today. 


Read our latest book, Small Wins Everyday.


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Disclaimer: Always make an informed choice. Keep your healthcare provider in the loop before trying anything new, especially if you are going through a medical condition or are on medications.




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