From Fear to Freedom: Meet Keshav Who Lost 11 Kgs and Overcame His Fear of Multiple Sclerosis Relapse

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From Fear to Freedom: Meet Keshav Who Lost 11 Kgs and Overcame His Fear of Multiple Sclerosis Relapse

This 32-year-old banker came to us with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – tingling sensations and numbness in the left side of the body, which were managed with steroids. He also struggled with premature balding.

The side effects of his ongoing medications included:

  • Deranged liver parameters
  • Irregular lipid profile
  • Excess fat
  • Elevated total leucocyte count (TLC)
    And more.

“I have been dealing with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), having already experienced 3 relapses. Due to my condition, I was prescribed strong medication that led to my weight touching 90 kg, along with gut issues, significant hair fall, and increased stress levels. My doctor emphasized the importance of taking my medications while also reducing weight to prevent another relapse. Upon a friend’s recommendation, I decided to consult with Team Luke, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life,” shares Keshav.

How did we help?


  • Tapped into intelligent systems like angiogenesis, DNA repair, stem cell regeneration, gut microbiome, immunity and inflammation
  • Addressed his leaky gut with our autoimmune and GFCF protocol
  • Ensured adequate protein intake
  • Fixed nutritional deficiencies to train immunity and manage hair loss
  • Personalized movement to encourage fat loss and build lean muscle
  • Adequate water intake and better sleep hygiene
  • Addressed emotional issues instead of internalizing them
  • Liver cleanse protocols to manage side effects of medications and support fat loss
    And so on.


The progress

“Keshav is more confident, happy, and less fearful of flare-ups during cold weather, moments of stress, or traveling to high altitudes. During the program, he had to face all of these but there weren’t any symptoms. This made him believe in his body’s intelligence to heal itself. He is more motivated to look after himself and achieve his health and body goals,” shares Kruti Jain, his Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at Team Luke.

The challenges

“His fluctuating total leucocyte count (TLC) was a concern because any deviation would mean that he would have to stop taking medication for MS. However, after four weeks of the program, his TLC started to go down and eventually fell within the range,” adds Kruti.

The power of integrative coaching

“Enrolling in Luke’s program has completely transformed me. I have lost approximately 11 kgs, bringing my weight down to 78.7 kg. My gut issues have resolved, my stress levels have significantly decreased, and my sleep has improved. All my medical reports are now normal, and I feel more confident than ever,” beams Keshav.

Words of praise

“A special thanks to my dedicated nutritionist, Kruti Jain, who has been instrumental in helping me achieve my goals. She responded promptly to every message and query, providing the support and guidance I needed. Gratitude to Team Luke for transforming my life,” he shares.

What Luke Says:



Our 2 cents

Multiple sclerosis is often thought of as a hopeless, progressive condition. A simple Google search will tell you the same. But then, there are stories like these that show hope and possibilities.
Meet Keshav Monga. At the age of 32, he experienced three relapses and still hasn’t given up hope.
He was put on strong steroids for the right reasons to manage his multiple sclerosis symptoms. However, an integrative approach was needed to handle the side effects of his medication, which were clearly affecting his immunity, liver, lipid profile, and weight.
Our integrative team studied his case and lifestyle history in detail, while also understanding his external environment, emotional health, and other factors. We put together a personalized protocol respecting his unique needs:

  • Cellular nutrition to promote angiogenesis, DNA repair, stem cell regeneration, gut microbiome health, immune training, and controlled inflammation
  • Elimination protocol to cut out potential allergens
  • Liver booster protocol to support liver function
  • Smart movement to stimulate and build lean muscle
  • Coaching on emotional expression to avoid internalization
  • Encouraging deep sleep for repair and regeneration
  • Managing side effects of steroids
  • Creating faith-based thoughts instead of fear-based ones
  • Managing hair and scalp health

Weeks of discipline and consistency with the above, and here he is—11 kgs lighter, his gut feeling stronger than ever, medical reports looking clean, and feeling more confident than he ever has. He also did not experience any multiple sclerosis flare-ups during seasonal changes, which was a big win.
Beyond medical efforts to improve multiple sclerosis, there is a huge gap that can be filled—gut health and lifestyle medicine.
This autoimmune condition has hope. When we focus on improving lifestyle, fixing the fundamentals, and enhancing the health of the gut lining, we can potentially stop the uncontrolled attack by the immune system.
Don’t give up – there is always hope and a path we can take beyond medicine.

Did this story inspire you? Start your journey to address your autoimmune conditions at their root.


Know more about our Gut Health Program Here. 


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at
1800 102 0253 or write to us at



    Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for him doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. His protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.

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