Tag - Ego

Ego and Anger Use Vitamin M to Dissolve It. Here’s How.

Ego and Anger? Use Vitamin M to Dissolve It. Here’s How

Using mindfulness to dissolve ego and anger. A shaman was asked, "What is poison?" He replied, “Anything beyond what we need is poison. It can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear, anger, or whatever.” So much beauty and depth in this. Reflect on it and ask yourself: Is your anger or ego standing...


The Power of Cultivating Deep Listening

Are you merely hearing or listening? Picture credits: All Ear Plugs  Listening is not a mere act, it's a skill. Listening to understand, and not to reply, judge, or offer solutions. Just to understand. Every human being wants to be heard, and deep listening is healing and deeply comforting. Anyone who has owned a pet,...