Why Drinking Milk Alone Will Not Boost Your Calcium
For the longest time the calcium market is flourished as we all need calcium. Pregnant women, children, adults and everyone need calcium. But the way the way its prescribed today; excess calcium in the human body creates innumerable problems.
We believe that milk is rich in calcium which it is and we consume so much of dairy and so many calcium supplements and yet osteoporosis is at its highest and so is heart disease. There’s nothing wrong with calcium but what’s missing is a mineral that helps to neutralize it and it’s extremely important for everyone today to understand how calcium works in your body. For all of you who are consuming blood pressure medication, going through chemotherapy and radiation and prescription drugs which make you feel more tired, more weak, makes your muscle spasm; you may find your answer right here.
Let’s understand how calcium works. The job of calcium is contraction. When you have excessive calcium in your body it causes contraction in your blood vessels, nerves and muscles. Now this is a bad thing because when you have contraction in your blood vessels your blood pressure automatically goes up. You begin to have heart problems. When you have contraction in your muscles and your nerves you tend to get that tingling pain and then you get diagnosed for something else. You tend to get those calf pains and those calf spasms. You wake up in the morning and your calves are tight. You’re running a half marathon and you have eaten your best and you have trained your best but you cramp up in your calves and you’re unable to finish the marathon. Today almost every woman I know is on a calcium supplement. You deliver a baby the doctor tells you to be on calcium for the rest of your life. A thousand five hundred mg or a thousand mg. It’s ridiculous. You’re not doing it the right way. With calcium you need that very important mineral called magnesium. Magnesium neutralizes calcium. If you have excess of calcium it contracts a muscle, it contracts your blood vessels but magnesium helps it relax. When there’s contraction and when there’s relaxing until you contract you relax and that activates movement, that activates nerve function but calcium alone contracts and that’s a bad thing for anybody. But you need magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin k2. Calcium without magnesium, calcium without the right amount of vitamin D and calcium without the right amount of vitamin k2 will cause issues right from kidney stones to high cholesterol, contractions nerve pains, spasms, migraines, headaches, constipation; you name it.
Let’s understand how this works. What is the role of this little mineral called magnesium? I always say that you can get one drug for one symptom of a disease but sometimes if you just replace that one missing vitamin or that one missing mineral it can take care of over 200 to 300 functions in the human body. Magnesium is one of them. With over 500 different biological functions in the human body if you have even 1% less of magnesium in your body you have innumerable problems in your body. The role of magnesium is it activates your muscles and it activates your nerves. So you could be training at your best but you have less magnesium and you’re going to constantly have aches and pains and then you start popping painkillers you start going for Physio and a lot of things which are unnecessary and your magnesium deficiency is causing that. It activates ATP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate which produces energy. All of our cells have mitochondria which produces ATP. ATP has to be activated. We may have the best cells in our body in the world, the best quality cells but you need something to activate it. The same way a bad cell requires activation to express itself into a disease. Your good cells need something to activate it and that’s usually a vitamin or mineral. Magnesium activates ATP which produces energy in the human body. So if you have low energy you start eating more food, you start taking unnecessary supplements, you start going from Doctor to doctor because you have less energy sometimes it’s just a deficiency in magnesium and they say over 80 million Americans have a deficiency of magnesium which is related to your fatigue issues.
Magnesium is required to digest carbohydrates, proteins and fat. So it doesn’t matter how much protein you’re eating or how many carbohydrates you eating or how much of fat you’re eating. If you don’t have sufficient magnesium you do not break down those macronutrients the right way. So like I always say it’s not about what you eat it’s about how your body breaks down and absorbs what you eat which explains so many people living the best of diets and yet they’re sick and yet they’re fat and yes yet they suffer from pains and fatigue all the time because it is about how your body breaks it down. You just don’t need a stomach with the right amount of stomach acid to break it down. You need a mineral like magnesium like your B vitamins that helps break down carbohydrates, proteins and calcium and then you need the right gut bacteria and your colon to make sure they get absorbed into your cells.
Magnesium helps build your DNA which makes it my most favourite mineral when it comes to people fighting cancer or even trying to prevent cancer because it’s all about mutated cells, it’s all about your DNA it’s all about the RNA and magnesium is required for the synthesis of your DNA and your RNA as well. When it comes to tingling sensations, that numb feeling in your muscles and your toes sometimes you think it’s diabetes and you go and get all your blood work done and then you have a slightly higher one A1c and then you’re made diabetic. Sometimes all you need is magnesium to take away that tingling sensation and those dull pains that you have in your calf.
Also make sure you have the right amount of magnesium, d3 and K2. It’s a market out there. Everyone imagine if you can get every woman to be on magnesium just do the math and see how much of money they make. I’m not against calcium as long as it’s done in the right way. Also prescribe magnesium or prescribe k2 or prescribed vitamin d3 and what’s one of the biggest problems we have in the U.S and India right now is almost one in two people I meet every day have low vitamin d3 levels which means how much ever calcium they’re taking is not being metabolized the right way. This means they have excessive storage of calcium in their body which is causing contractions in their blood vessels, in their heart, in their muscles and in their nerves.
Now am I saying you need to take a magnesium supplement or a K2? Absolutely not. Some of the best foods and a balanced diet will give you magnesium and calcium and K2 and a little bit of d3 because most of our d3 comes from the Sun. Those foods are your nuts, seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Your green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds. If you don’t want to be on dairy you don’t have to be on dairy. Who wants to be on dairy that’s contaminated; full of hormones, full of oestrogen that creates more and more problems? So if you don’t want to be on dairy you can be on calcium rich foods like nuts and seeds and green leafy vegetables and whole grains. But what do you do if you go ketogenic, what if you do if you go a low-carb, what if you do if you go low protein and all those fad diets and now you have less macronutrients and you have less minerals and vitamins and that’s why you get sicker and sicker, you lose three to four kilos and then you put it all back again and you look older and you’re sicker. It’s all about balance.
Now let’s talk about prescription drugs the number one thing that depletes you of magnesium. With antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation you’re getting depleted of magnesium. Let’s take a patient going through chemo. What are the symptoms? Constipation, tiredness and fatigue because magnesium is depleted and then the doctor makes that careless stupid statement of eat what you want, eat your ice cream, sugar, fats, put on weight become strong. Your body’s never going to put on weight because you have a deficiency of magnesium which cannot help you break down carbohydrates, fats and protein. So there’s no point stuffing yourself with food which further puts oxidative stress on your liver, kidneys, colon and everything else wreaking havoc with your metabolism. What they need to see is that their medication is depleting certain vitamins and minerals which is why you always have to replenish what your treatment depletes through your lifestyle, supplements if necessary or just through making changes in your diet. So again look at a cancer patient. They’re weak and constipated as they have less magnesium which is why when you look at magnesium sulphate it promotes a laxative effect which means the lack of magnesium produces constipation. You take more magnesium you then probably have diarrhoea or you break through constipation. What else does it do? Every cancer patient goes through that tingling in their nerves, in their fingers, in their joints, tightness of their muscles, tightness of their calves and the doctors give them more painkillers which goes through their liver which is already riddled with the side effects of chemo making the patient weaker and destroying immunity which is the only thing that can give life and quality of life to the patient. What the patient needs is magnesium which is getting depleted because of the harsh treatment. I’m not against chemo or radiation or prescription drugs if it’s needed. It can save the life of a patient. But the callous way it’s done without a doctor telling you to change the way you eat. Take the vitamins that we’re depleting because of our treatment. That’s when you care for the patient, that’s when you look at them holistically but they don’t study it and yet they interfere with the eating habits of a patient telling them eat what you want, prescribing antibiotics without probiotics without B complexes without the right amount of magnesium. It’s a death sentence like I always say. The treatment will kill you if it is not handled the right way. The treatment will cause your liver to fail, will cause you to go on to dialysis, will cause a cardiac arrest again because you’re depleting magnesium, you’re constricting your muscles and your nerves, you’re causing contractions without relaxation and your blood pressure goes up and all of a sudden you’re now put on a diuretic.
Let’s talk about blood pressure. When you’re extremely stressed your adrenal glands produce cortisol. Your adrenal glands also start producing high amounts of magnesium because the idea of magnesium is it relaxes your muscles. Magnesium is required to relax your anxiety and your mood so while your stress is high, you’re burning out magnesium levels. Now you have low magnesium and you’re suddenly left with high amounts of calcium in your body which constricts your blood vessels. What happens when you constrict your blood vessel? Since your blood vessel is constricted and it has to pump out blood to your heart, your blood pressure goes up. So you go to a doctor and you get your blood pressure measured. Now the doctor says you have blood pressure and he puts you on a diuretic. A diuretic flushes out fluid from your system so that brings down your pressure. It also flushes off more magnesium. You go back after a month, your blood pressure’s still high so now the doctor will put you on the second blood pressure medication which is usually a calcium blocker and that’s a good thing because he knows you have less magnesium, you have more calcium, calcium is going to possibly cause a cardiac arrest or a stroke or inflammation or something to do with your nerves and your muscles which is why most BP patients complain about spasms and nerve pain and muscular pain. So now you’re on a channel blocker with calcium. Your body can no longer absorb calcium, so it can no longer absorb d3 or absorb K2. So now you’re deficient, malnourished, your cells don’t have what it needs to function and then you’re given the third blood pressure medication. All because you were stressed and you had less magnesium. So understand how real stress is. It’s easy for me to sit here and tell you reduce your stress. All of us are stressed me included but we got to take responsibility and accountability every day and re-evaluate and re-evaluate how we can reduce it. How we can change our attitude towards it. What are the things we can let go off and accept to reduce stress which in turn can help us get out of this vicious cycle of medication. If you’re on high BP medication you are eventually going to have high cholesterol which means you’re eventually going to be on a statin. A statin and high blood pressure creates bad situation. You’re going to have problems at some point in your life. So a lot of you may already be on that. I’m here to motivate you to start making lifestyle changes, get to the root cause and slowly with the help of your doctor safely get off those medications.
Let’s talk about anxiety and depression. If you’re depressed you have low serotonin levels. You go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist and since you may need it you’re given a pill that has serotonin without magnesium in your body. Magnesium is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. This means it is required to carry and metabolize serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is produced in your gut. If you don’t have magnesium you can have as much of serotonin as you need in your gut or in the little pills that you take. No absorption, no bioavailability and the dose get higher and higher and higher. One mineral magnesium can be responsible for so much that we have today.
So when we’re talking about osteoporosis; is dairy really your solution, is more calcium really your solution? Absolutely not. You need to have one part of calcium to one part of magnesium. You can’t have excessive calcium and less magnesium. The ratio is one is to one and you’ve got to be eating foods that are rich in magnesium, k2 and getting the right amount of d3. What’s best for osteoporosis? The right amount of vitamin d3 and calcium but movement makes your bones stronger. Pushing your body weight and using your body weight. So either weight training exercises or even doing squats or doing planks or doing push-ups makes your musculoskeletal system strong. That increases your bone density not calcium. That’s your quick fix. We ask for a quick fix. We’ve got a quick fix and we’re paying for the consequences today. We’re paying that price. Calcium we’ll never take away osteoporosis. It would be a lifestyle; it’ll be all the changes that you make.
So if you’ve understood this related to your own life, ditch your calcium supplements unless you have a calcium deficiency. For pregnant women overdoing it on calcium but no magnesium is wrong. I would put a pregnant woman on calcium but I would also put them on magnesium rich foods because you don’t want a pregnant woman feeling tired in the third month or a fourth month and they feel tired, their legs hurt, their body hurts, because of excess calcium causing constriction of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. So you give them calcium the right way with the right amount of magnesium. If this inspires you and you think it can change someone else’s life share it. We can all impact someone else’s life by sharing knowledge all the time.
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