Ulcerative Colitis: From 22 Motions Per Day And Losing 26 Kgs To Finding Hope Again

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Ulcerative Colitis: From 22 Motions Per Day And Losing 26 Kgs To Finding Hope Again

This 30-year-old woman came to us with a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis. Her flare-ups made her pass more than 22-23 motions per day with blood in her stools.

ulcerative-colitis-22-motions-a-day“I couldn’t even walk 80 steps a day or sleep at night. I shed 26 kgs in 3 months and underwent massive hair fall. I was struggling with body image issues. I was unable to even bathe by myself and couldn’t sit for more than 5 minutes at a stretch,” she shares.

Finding light at the end of the tunnel

“My GI specialist had fully made up his mind to put me on immunosuppressants along with steroids because of the constant flare-ups that I was facing. I wasn’t ready for the side effects that he had spoken to me about. Luke’s program came my way very much like the light at the end of the tunnel and I am beyond grateful to the person who let me know about it!” she shares.

What worked for her? An overview of our protocol

  • Getting her motions under control, especially at night
  • Incorporating limited food items at first that suited her
  • Eliminating all triggering foods
  • Working on our 5 lifestyle pillars
  • Building a personalized food protocol that looks at inflammation, immunity, angiogenesis, DNA repair and stem cell regeneration
  • Optimum water intake to prevent dehydration
  • Balancing electrolytes
  • Slowly boosting her energy levels
  • Improving sleep hygiene
  • Addressing anxiety and deep-rooted emotions
  • Establishing a solid sleep routine
  • Incorporating breath work, yoga, and mindfulness techniques
  • Encouraging writing the prognosis and outcomes they want
  • Programming the subconscious mind
  • Managing ongoing medication side effects
  • Addressing specific symptoms related to ulcerative colitis like low hemoglobin, fatigue, hair fall, and muscle loss
  • Managing fears around food
    And more

Braving challenges

“We started with minimal food choices like ghee-rice and boiled potato at first because everything else would trigger her motions. We gave her the best nourishment we could over time. Slowly and gradually, we started reintroducing different foods to see what triggered her health and what suited her. Today, she is a completely new person. Even her husband agrees to this. She is more confident, can manage her relationships better, and has healthy boundaries,” shares her Senior Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at Team Luke, Tosha Samant.

The power of an integrative approach

“I vividly recall our initial session that she took while lying down due to low energy and pain. Despite the discomfort, her determination shone through, and she firmly believed in her potential for improvement. Today, she’s not only traveling solo and with her partner but also thriving, making new plans, and, most importantly, exuding joy. Together, we focused on addressing areas like setting boundaries, visualization, affirmations, and positive self-talk, managing toxic energies, elevating her vibrations, and crafting her own unique and beautiful story. I am proud of her,” shares her Holistic Life Coach at Team Luke, Taarika Dave.

Words of gratitude

“My coaches, Tosha, Taarika, and Paarmi have been extremely instrumental in the journey of returning to my better version. They were just a text away. Because the intake of food was my biggest concern at that time, I used to share even the tiniest of discomforts with Tosha and she would be there with her beautiful shiny armor for my rescue! She was patient with me throughout and was my constant companion!” she shares.

The mind-body connection

“Taarika helped me visualize my days of well-being, made me write my prognosis, alter aspects of self-doubt into self-confidence, and change the choice of words I used to intend for the best! These angels never stumbled in boosting my morale whenever I would feel low about my situation and kept giving me constant hope that soon there will come a day when I’ll smile with pride about how magnificently I won over this battle!”

Cut to today

“Recently, I completed 8,000+ steps in a day – which is an achievement considering where I started. This program’s name has the term ‘holistic’ attached to it for a real reason. It’s magical how it transformed me 360°. Majorly, it helped me understand that even though the body keeps a score of our wrongdoings towards itself, it has a BIG HEART to forgive as well! All we need is to reconnect with our wiser selves, have unconditional faith, and go back to doing the basic stuff!”

The journey ahead – onwards and upwards

“The earlier version of me was never into the practice of letting go, forgiving, and moving on! Now, I am a person with an entirely different outlook! I know my triggers and body way better than ever! The learnings of this program tend to stay with you for a lifetime and if thoroughly applied throughout, your life is undeniably meant to change not just for good but for the BEST!”

What Luke Says


Our 2 cents

We don’t have a magic diet, vaccination, or pill for ulcerative colitis. What we do have is a solid learning that it doesn’t have to stay that way. Ulcerative colitis can be put into remission with the right lifestyle changes.

Hundreds of people have successfully put their ulcerative colitis in remission, including this beautiful woman whose journey began with unshakable faith, not just in us but in her body’s intelligence.

After getting in touch with us, we assigned an integrative team dedicated to her nutrition, emotional health and lifestyle. The team took time to understand not just the gut, but her as a person – environment, history, childhood, family support, stressors and more.

With each ulcerative colitis case we handle, one fact becomes clearer: the connection between the gut and mind. Our gut is the second brain for a reason. No matter how many steroid doses you take, without addressing emotions, fears, an overthinking mind, and anxiety, the relief is only symptomatic. You’ll likely need a stronger dose soon.

Infact, the connection between gut and mind is so clear that every time a person goes through a stressful episode, there is a parallel flare-up, or ulcerative colitis that was put in remission, relapses.

Our integrative approach prioritizes fundamentals, starting with emotional health first, to create a more peaceful and calmer state.

Having witnessed many ulcerative colitis cases go into remission, we assert with conviction that you don’t have to live with ulcerative colitis for life. Make lifestyle changes over and above what your doctor prescribes.

There is possibility and hope.



Did this story inspire you? Start your journey to address your condition at its root.


Know more about our Holistic Programs Here. 


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at 1800 102 0253 or write to us at consults@lukecoutinho.com.


Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for her doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. Her protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.

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