Tag - breathing


Top Breathing Exercises For Better Sleep

Sleep is super important for overall health and well-being. It’s as important as good food, fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and managing your stress levels. Unfortunately, most of us do not prioritise sleep unless chronically deprived of it. (more…)

Breathing Techniques for Better Cycles of Sleep

A lot of people keep asking how many hours of sleep should I get every night. The medical literature usually says seven to eight hours or sometimes eight to nine hours. But it's not really about how many hours you sleep because there are a lot of people who sleep for even five and...


The Power Of Diaphragmatic Breathing

When you meet with an accident or anything in the emergency room in a hospital the first thing they put on to you is oxygen because your vital organs require oxygen. Every one of those billion cells in the human body requires oxygen for survival. I could tie oxygen to almost every imbalance that...