Tag - remission

Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer to Clear PET Scan: Aishwarya’s Incredible Journey

"My life completely fell off its axis in September with a sudden unexpected discovery of a tumor on my ovary. I had to undergo urgent surgery - a complete hysterectomy due to a stage 1 ovarian cancer diagnosis. Having lost both my parents to cancer, I completely understood the importance of a holistic healing...

Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

From Struggle to Strength: Phalguni lost 14 kgs, reduced HbA1c after 6 years, and her cancer is now in remission! Before and after "My journey with Team Luke and Vidhi started after my cancer treatment. I was told I had thyroid cancer and my lymph nodes were affected. So once the surgery and ablation were done,...