From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s Eczema Journey Spells Hope

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From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s eczema Journey Spells Hope

From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s Eczema Journey Spells Hope

From needle-pricking pain to smoother and shinier skin: This 71-year-old’s eczema journey spells hope

Where we started

From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s eczema Journey Spells HopeWhere we are

From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s Eczema Journey Spells Hope“Today, her skin has cleared and become smoother and shinier than ever. My mom was diagnosed with eczema 1.5 years ago. We tried Ayurveda and other treatments a year back but nothing seemed to have worked. The eczema patches were extremely itchy, filled with pus, and would ooze blood. She was asked to stop eating most foods. She even started fearing food because anything she ate triggered her condition and caused unbearable pain. Finally, she decided to only eat rotis. It was difficult for me to see her suffering,” shares her daughter.

Reaching across borders

“My parents live alone. Mom is 71 and I am in another country. I was worried about traveling to her as I had my job, kids, and the house to look after. I follow Luke on Facebook and Instagram and have witnessed many recoveries. That’s when I thought of approaching him. Our Senior Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert, Paarmi has been very kind and supportive. She almost replaced my presence during the program,” adds her daughter.

Going the extra mile always

“She made my mother extremely comfortable. I hardly interfered in their conversations as Mom has 500% confidence and faith in Paarmi. Besides this, she was always available despite festive breaks. Mom never felt neglected. With Paarmi’s expertise, some applications, and lifestyle recommendations, we started seeing changes and our faith strengthened even further.”

The results speak for themselves

“Today, her skin has cleared and become smoother and shinier than ever. There’s no itching, pus, or blood. Her gut has started tolerating foods. She enjoys her dosas and can eat all grains as well. Paarmi also helped manage her blood pressure and blood sugar levels. We couldn’t be more thankful to her for her genuine support and commitment. I have renewed the program for Mom because she believes in Paarmi and wants to continue to improve her health.”

What worked for her? A sneak peek into our approach

  • Shattering her fear around food
  • Our auto-immune protocol including GFCF
  • Eliminating potent allergens triggering inflammation
  • Activating the 5 defense mechanisms
  • Anti-angiogenesis-stimulating cellular nutrition protocol
  • Rebuilding gut health, DNA, and stem cell health
  • Ditching refined sugars
  • Working on her gut health
  • Adding probiotics, alkaline, and raw foods
  • An inside-out approach
  • Focusing on building trust in her healing journey
  • Retraining her immune system
  • Managing inflammation
  • Tailored movement suitable for her age
  • Encouraging deep sleep for recovery
  • Cultivating emotional wellness
  • Strengthening spiritual practices
  • Providing unwavering support every step of the way

What Luke Says

Our 2 cents

A year and a half of suffering with painful eczema sorted out. From cracked, bloodied, pus-filled skin, and incessant itching to skin now shinier than ever! All experienced by this amazing 71-year-old lady. If this isn’t a miracle, what is?

Here’s a solid dose of hope and possibilities for everyone out there struggling with eczema and psoriasis.

An approach to these needs to go beyond steroidal creams. While they are suggested for the right reasons, they only address symptoms. Soon, there may be a need for more or a point where they stop working altogether.

Take them if you must, but also prioritize the fundamentals of skin health and healing. Can steroids truly work if your gut is leaky and reacting to every food you consume?

Many people turn to Ayurveda, naturopathy, and similar treatments, which are excellent healing systems, but no approach works if the basics are neglected.

Build the foundation. Fix the gut first.

When this lady came to us, we thoroughly understood her case, assessed her on our lifestyle pillars, and built a solid protocol for eczema, high blood pressure, and blood sugar levels at their roots.

And the results speak for themselves. Renewed gut health, improved skin health, and revitalized energy — all at 71, and why not?

Our bodies have inbuilt mechanisms to heal through our five defense mechanisms. Address and rectify these, and you unlock possibilities for recovery and healing, not merely superficially but profoundly.

We help your body and mind heal you. We help you find a way.



Did this story inspire you? Start your journey to address your autoimmune/skin condition at its root.


Know more about our Skin Care Program Here. 


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at 1800 102 0253 or write to us at


Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for her doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. Her protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.

    From a pimple to cancer, our You Care Wellness Program helps you find a way

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