Drink Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Healthier Alcohols

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Choosing healthier alcohols

Drink Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Healthier Alcohols

Have you ever wondered why people say cheers when they drink?


How many of you know the reason behind the word cheers when we raise a glass?


It’s all about feeling good and sharing a moment of happiness. So, why not ensure our bodies feel just as good when we drink?


Over the past few years, we’ve been flooded with questions about alcohol—especially during the festive season, whether it’s Christmas or New Year. It’s that time when many of us wonder: Is alcohol good for us? Should we drink it, or should we avoid it altogether?


Healthier alcohols
Photo Credits: Freepik


The truth is there’s nothing wrong with alcohol itself. The real question is about how and why we drink it. A glass of wine, champagne, or tequila isn’t the issue. It’s the person drinking it.


  • Are you drinking to relax and enjoy, or are you using it to escape problems?
  • Are you sipping with a meal or on an empty stomach?
  • Are you drinking after taking medications?
  • Are you mindful of your limits, or are you binge drinking?


Instead of ruining the experience with unhealthy habits, like drinking while on medications, why not switch to healthier ways of enjoying alcohol? Misusing alcohol with meds can be risky—so let’s talk about how to make your body feel as good as the cheers you raise!


Can alcohol be part of a healthy lifestyle?

Just because someone doesn’t drink alcohol doesn’t automatically make them healthier.


Many people in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s have a drink or two every day and still maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. They sleep well, manage their stress, and have medical parameters that are better than those of people in their 20s or 30s.


I have a story to share about an amazing 95-year-old army veteran I met at our magazine cover launch in 2022.


He approached me with a drink in hand—a broad smile on his face as he stood surrounded by his beautiful family. We chatted about health and lifestyle, and I couldn’t help but admire his lively spirit. He doesn’t follow a strict diet; instead, he enjoys simple meals cooked for him and has a drink when he feels like it. He walks, practices yoga, mudras, and pranayama, all while being happy.


95-year-old army veteran drinks


He sleeps soundly at night and spends time with loved ones and good friends. He even travels and knows how to enjoy a party! His humility and wisdom are inspiring, and people like him are my role models—living proof of the possibilities and hope that come with healthy aging.


So, what about the healthiest alcohol?

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there about which alcohol is the healthiest. Some articles say wine is best, while others claim it’s champagne. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to you and your lifestyle.


When it comes to alcohol, one popular choice stands out—red wine. It’s a personal favorite of mine because it’s packed with resveratrol, polyphenols, and antioxidants, which can benefit your heart.


But here’s the catch: drinking red wine alone won’t magically improve your heart health. It works with other healthy habits like proper blood circulation, regular physical activity, quality sleep, and managing stress.


No single food or drink will transform your health overnight. It’s the combination of multiple factors working together. So yes, red wine can be a powerful drink, but this doesn’t mean you need to start drinking it for heart health if you don’t already.


Photo Credits: Freepik

Healthier alcohol options

For those who are confused about what to drink, here are a few alcohol options that can be healthier if consumed mindfully:


  • Red Wine: Full of heart-healthy antioxidants like resveratrol.
  • Tequila: A local Mexican drink containing agavin, known to help lower blood sugar levels. However, diabetics or those with sedentary lifestyles need to drink cautiously—even though we don’t recommend alcohol unless they are actively working to bring their levels under control and can drink in moderation.
  • Dry Wines (White and Red): Lower in sugar, making them a good option for those watching their sugar intake.
  • Champagne: A low-calorie choice that can be perfect for those mindful of their weight.
  • Whiskey: Surprisingly, a 30 ml shot of whiskey contains as many antioxidants as a glass of wine. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, which is great for anti-aging, skin, and overall health.
  • Cognac: Among the healthiest choices, cognac is a no-carb drink that is extremely low in sugar. It is known for its benefits to the respiratory system and is often used in small doses to help alleviate coughs and break down mucus.

The medicinal roots of alcohol….

It’s also fascinating to see how some drinks have historical roots in medicine. Many cultures have used alcoholic beverages for their health benefits long before they became popular as social drinks. Let’s dive into some interesting examples and tips for making healthier choices.


  • Jägermeister: This herbal liqueur contains over 50 botanical herbs and was originally used as a medicine before its rise as a popular alcoholic drink.
  • Cashew Feni: A local favorite in Goa, this drink was once utilized for treating stomach ulcers before being processed into the alcohol we know today.
  • Sake: This Japanese rice wine is not only a traditional drink but also serves as a probiotic, benefiting those with gut issues due to its fermentation process.
  • Whiskey in the Highlands: Historically, people in the Scottish Highlands consumed whiskey to warm up on cold nights.


While it’s clear that some alcoholic beverages can offer health benefits, the way we consume them is crucial. It’s all about balance.

The intent behind our choices matters!

You can sip that glass of wine or whiskey and truly enjoy the moment because you’re having a good time, or you can misuse it, drinking just to fit in or escape life’s challenges.

It’s important to recognize that alcohol should not be a substitute for addressing the voids in our lives.


  • Intention matters: Why are you drinking? If you intend to have fun and enjoy the moment, that’s great! But if you’re drinking to cope with sadness or to feel accepted, it can lead to unhealthy habits.
  • Addressing the void: Instead of using alcohol to fill emotional gaps, face those feelings head-on. Ignoring problems only makes them deeper and more difficult to deal with.

For example, if you’re feeling down after a breakup and decide to hit the bar with friends, that temporary high from alcohol can feel good in the moment. However, the next time you feel sad, you might turn to alcohol again to recreate that relief, starting a cycle of dependence.


Temporary high from alcohol
Photo Credits: Freepik

Ask yourself:


  • What’s my intention behind drinking tonight?
  • Am I aiming for clean fun, or am I seeking attention?

Many binge drinkers do so for the thrill of attention, believing it’s cool or acceptable. This behavior often gets reinforced because people around them give praise or attention for their drinking antics.


But binge drinking is not just a fun night out; it can lead to serious health issues.

So, how do you enjoy alcohol responsibly?

To enjoy your drink mindfully:


  • Drink in moderation: Keep your consumption in check. Enjoy a drink, but don’t overdo it.
  • Be aware of social pressures: Understand the motivations behind your drinking. Are you doing it to fit in or because you genuinely want to enjoy a good time?
  • Seek fulfillment elsewhere: Work on personal issues and find healthier ways to cope with emotions.
  • Avoid sugary cocktails: Most cocktails are loaded with sugar syrups and sweeteners, which negate any health benefits. If you’re focused on weight loss, steer clear of these sugary mixes.
  • Stick to simpler drinks: Traditional ways of enjoying alcohol, such as whiskey neat, with ice, or with water, preserve the drink’s integrity without adding unnecessary sugars. Avoid mixing with aerated drinks, which are loaded with sugars and empty calories, and opt for healthier alternatives instead.
  • Consider healthy mixes: For a refreshing twist, try mixing vodka with crushed ice and coconut water, as seen in Thailand, for a healthier drink option.


Healthy alcoholic drinks
Photo Credits: Freepik

Find what works for YOU!

While some alcoholic drinks may offer health benefits, it’s important to remember that drinking is not necessary for everyone.

Everyone has different preferences. Some may prefer wine, while others enjoy gin. The key is to discover what suits you best and brings you joy.


But make sure to stay safe and respectful.


  • Avoid dangerous behaviors: Always prioritize safety by avoiding activities like drinking and driving. Being responsible is essential to enjoying alcohol without negative consequences.
  • Respect others: Alcohol should never be an excuse for disrespectful behavior. Always treat others with kindness and consideration, and stay mindful of your actions while drinking. Respect women, boundaries, and consent—whether you’ve had a drink or not. That’s basic decency.


You can enjoy your drink while maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle through six key pillars of lifestyle: nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, emotional well-being, reconnecting with the spirit, and conscious breathing.

The last word!

With the right approach, you can savor your drink and maintain your overall well-being. Until next time, cheers to making smart choices!


Also Watch:


Concerned about balancing drinking with a healthy lifestyle?


Let us help you cultivate a mindful approach to alcohol that supports your overall well-being.


Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team of life coaches who specialize in helping you achieve your wellness goals.


Reach out to us at 1800 102 0253 or write to us at consults@lukecoutinho.com.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or alcohol consumption. Drink responsibly and prioritize your health and well-being.


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