Tag - lifestyle

Healthy family

Discover the Secret to a Better Life: 3 Core Foundations

Do you think there is a magic recipe for living a fulfilling life? The magic recipe can be summed up by eating well, exercising regularly, and keeping busy. But, is ticking off tasks on our productivity apps the real key to deep satisfaction?    While these elements are important, they barely scratch the surface of what...

Stop chasing motivation

STOP Chasing Motivation: Do THIS Instead for Lasting Change

One morning I received a call from one of our clients on her seventh cycle of chemotherapy.   She was exhausted and said, "Luke, I don't think I can go through this anymore. I'm not motivated."   I told her, "You don't need motivation to endure chemotherapy. What you need is to remember the immense value of your...

A woman stands in the rain, surrounded by nature, symbolizing acceptance and surrender.

Feeling Stuck with Chronic Health? Try These 7 Lifestyle Changes!

Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a bustling Monday, life doesn’t pause, and neither do the challenges we face. Today, I felt a strong urge to reach out, not because it’s urgent, but because it’s important—especially if you’re feeling stuck. Stuck with a health diagnosis that feels overwhelming, habits that may have lost their spark,...

Lifestyle solutions for autism

Hope for Autism: Luke’s Top 16 Lifestyle Solutions for Real Results

"Just believing that there's one way or no way of getting better...that's hope and that's a possibility."   Living with autism can be challenging for families. Each day brings its struggles and joys as they navigate a world that doesn't always understand.   But over the past 13 years, we’ve learned something remarkable alongside hundreds of children and...

Training on A Sleep-Deprived Body

The Massive Danger in Training on A Sleep-Deprived Body

Finished 100 squats? Nailed 50 jumping jacks? Spent an hour mastering yoga poses? Pat yourself on the back!   But hold on a moment. Were you sleep-deprived while accomplishing all these feats?   Uh oh! Your body seems unhappy! Wondering why?   Let’s discuss sleep deprivation, exercise, and why they’re a bigger deal for your body than you might think. Why...

Building lean muscle

Building Lean Muscle: The Quickest Way to Lose Fat Without the Gym Grind

When we hear the phrase building lean muscle, our minds often visualize images of bodybuilders pumping iron in a gym, surrounded by heavy weights.   However, the truth about building muscle goes beyond these stereotypes and applies to everyone, regardless of age or gender.   So, today, we will delve into the importance of building lean muscle and...

Foods that boost stem cell production

Can Food Choices Naturally Boost Your Stem Cell Production? Here’s the Truth!

We often hear about stem cells in specific medical contexts, such as childbirth or advanced cancer treatments.   However, did you know that every one of us is built up of stem cells? Yes, you read that right!   Stem Cells are the building blocks of our bodies! Present in every organ and tissue, unlike specialized cells, stem cells...

Lose fat by maintaining emotional wellbeing

Struggling to Lose Fat? This is the #1 Reason Why

  Are you tired of counting calories and measuring every morsel of food you consume in your quest to lose fat?   Does the idea of losing fat fill you with fear and guilt rather than excitement?   If yes, you’re at the right place!   Here we dive into a lesser known aspect of fat loss that often goes unnoticed...

Harnessing the power of breath

Harnessing the Power of Breath: Your Key to Improved Health and Well-being

Think about it: Do you remind your heart to beat, your eyes to blink, or your liver to work? When you eat, do you instruct your body to extract essential nutrients from your food?   No, you don't!   It's the body’s innate intelligence within you that handles these processes.   So, how do we tap into this incredible internal...

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and Action

His body was affected more than 95% with psoriasis. Despite steroids and topical applications, nothing seemed to have worked. The doctors had put their hands up. The verdict was out. "This is the end of your treatment. You will have to deal with this condition for the rest of your life." Until he came to us in January 2023. ...

falcon dates

Dates – A Divine Fruit

Dates are a proof that nature always wanted you to relish sweet things, but in a healthy manner. Dates although feared by many in the fitness space have multi-fold benefits for the human body. It’s a wholesome food which can be a part of most of our diets. Dates are considered as a superfood...

Superstar Mahesh Babu Joins Forces With Luke Coutinho For The Ultimate Lifestyle Makeover

Mahesh Babu Many of you reading this have been in the pursuit of building your health and wellness with us for almost a decade. While some of you joined us at the beginning as clients or followers on social media, many others joined this integrative and lifestyle movement we created over the years. Today with...