Tag - Cardiac issues

BLOG Easy Lifestyle Habits for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow

Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow

Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow As you read this, every minute, there are people across the country and world, especially those with comorbidities like Type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, dying of cardiac arrest, heart attack, paralytic strokes, brain strokes, and more. There isn't enough limelight in the media about...

vaping ugly truth harmful effects

Think Vaping is Harmless? THIS is the Ugly Scientific Truth Behind It

Over the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in clients with infertility. A sudden drop in testosterone, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and sexual health problems. In the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, we delve deep into addressing the root cause of your condition. One commonality we found in most...