Tag - Inflammation

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS in conditon management

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS

As humans, it is in our nature to avoid pain and seek comfort, which is why so many of us keep painkillers handy. These tablets have their moment and purpose in condition management, but the real issue arises when they're misused – taken as casually as one might pop a candy.     The problem is, while...

Autoimmune Disorders Condition Management with the help of reducing chronic stress, improving gut health, and promoting emotional wellness

Autoimmune Disorders: 3 Lifestyle Secrets of Condition Management

Do you ever wonder if there's more to managing autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, eczema, Hashimoto's, or multiple sclerosis than just relying on medications? While immunosuppressants and steroids play a crucial and life-saving role in treatment, their long-term use and dependence can lead to significant side effects.   Autoimmune diseases can cause extreme stress and feel like...

Lifestyle tips for breast and prostate health

Looking for Ways to Support Your Breast and Prostate Health? Start with These 7 Lifestyle Hacks!

  The world talks a lot about breast cancer, but what about breast health itself?   How many women actually take their breast health seriously? Well, the truth is, not enough.   In fact, very few women prioritize regular breast health check-ups.   But here's the thing: it's time for a change. It's time for women to start taking their breasts...

Foods that boost stem cell production

Can Food Choices Naturally Boost Your Stem Cell Production? Here’s the Truth!

We often hear about stem cells in specific medical contexts, such as childbirth or advanced cancer treatments.   However, did you know that every one of us is built up of stem cells? Yes, you read that right!   Stem Cells are the building blocks of our bodies! Present in every organ and tissue, unlike specialized cells, stem cells...

Protect your lungs from air pollution

3 Surprising Kitchen and Lifestyle Hacks that Protect You from Air Pollution

This year, Delhi experienced the world's worst air quality index - equivalent to smoking approximately 25-30 cigarettes a day, highlighting the urgent need for a robust plan to combat air pollution.   But can we change the pollution levels? The answer is a resounding NO!   The impact of air pollution on respiratory health is undeniable, and rather...

How A Blob Of Jaggery Can Help Your Lungs A Time-Tested and Scientifically-Proven Remedy

How A Blob Of Jaggery Can Help Your Lungs: A Time-Tested and Scientifically-Proven Remedy

The main issue with the current rise in air pollution is that dust particles and harmful pollutants (carbon) get trapped in the lung alveoli and cause inflammation.   The fantastic research on jaggery shows how it can help this issue by:   ✔️Trapping the pollutants from the lungs ✔️Translocating the pollutants from the lungs to lymph nodes ✔️Activating defense mechanisms...

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer: 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Priscilla's journey of choosing hope over fear in the face of cancer. 2 years later, her reports continue to be clear. “Just like flowers do not bloom without some rain, this journey has not been all strength and courage but full of questions, doubts, and challenges. It took me a long time to accept my fate...

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and Action

His body was affected more than 95% with psoriasis. Despite steroids and topical applications, nothing seemed to have worked. The doctors had put their hands up. The verdict was out. "This is the end of your treatment. You will have to deal with this condition for the rest of your life." Until he came to us in January 2023. ...

BLOG Easy Lifestyle Habits for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow

Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow

Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Stronger Arteries and Healthier Blood Flow As you read this, every minute, there are people across the country and world, especially those with comorbidities like Type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, dying of cardiac arrest, heart attack, paralytic strokes, brain strokes, and more. There isn't enough limelight in the media about...

Millet Magic: Here’s Why You Need To Add These Super Grains to Your Plate

Millet Magic: Here’s Why You Need To Add These Super Grains to Your Plate

Did you know that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 the International Year of Millets? Guess who made it possible? India did. How? By creating a proposal that received the overwhelming support of 72 countries! What is so great about millets? Why do I call these the wonder grains of the present...

beetroot benefits-2

1 Super Veggie, 10 Benefits: Have You Added This Inexpensive Root Vegetable to Your Plate?

When you and I eat this vegetable, it instantly turns our tongues into a deep red hue. Most of us grew up having a love-hate relationship with it. This inexpensive vegetable would always find its place in everything from your sandwich to sabzis and even salads. Scientific studies show how this humble vegetable can...

vaping ugly truth harmful effects

Think Vaping is Harmless? THIS is the Ugly Scientific Truth Behind It

Over the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in clients with infertility. A sudden drop in testosterone, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and sexual health problems. In the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, we delve deep into addressing the root cause of your condition. One commonality we found in most...