Beyond Medicine

Healing requires a 360 degree holistic approach and we believe that it takes an integrative model that draws on the best of all healing modalities to bring about true healing in a person. This category contains blogs, articles and stories which go Beyond Medicine.


Holistic Healing Case Studies – Psoriasis

I had a 7-year-old girl come in with extreme psoriasis issues. She has tried allopathy, steroidal creams, Ayurveda and the condition didn’t seem to get better (This doesn’t mean any of the treatments she was on was wrong. Symptoms will be treated the way they are supposed to by allopathic medicine). Her mum brought...


The Missing Ingredient – Love, Attention, Care and Communication

Drugs, alcohol, dangerous sex, wrong company, unhealthy relationships - These are some of the things parents are terrified of their children and teenagers getting into. There are many contributing factors to why children, teenagers and even young adults stray and abuse the above. But one of the most common reason I write this is...


These Two Key Words Can Improve Your Emotional Health!

Acceptance and letting go – when it comes to any stress in your life these are the two solutions. Take a pen and paper right now and write down everything that’s stressing you out in your life. Amongst the things you write down, some will be in your hand to control, while others will...

power of hope

HOPE – The Most Powerful Healing Drug

There are different things one looks at when it comes to healing cancer right from screening tests to correcting nutrition, changing lifestyle, meditation, pranayama, etc. Each of these things has it own place but there is particularly one thing that every human being on this planet has and can make use of. This is...


Want To Feel Appreciated? Try This!

Vitamin A that I am referring to here isn’t a vitamin that we get through supplements. Neither it’s a vitamin we get through foods. What I am referring to is a simple yet powerful word – “appreciation”. It doesn’t cost us a single cent to appreciate, still its so powerful in making you feel...

cancer visualisation

How To Use Visualisation To Heal Cancer

Chemotherapy does a lot more than just get rid of cancer. While these drugs are powerful enough to kill rapidly growing cancer cells, they also harm healthy cells. This may cause a number of side effects. While most side effects clear up shortly after treatment ends, some may continue well after chemotherapy has ended. (more…)