Tag - mental health

Change Pride to an attitude of deep humility

The Humility Factor: How Letting Go of Pride Can Change Everything

Before I touch upon the focus of this article, I want to share an interaction I had recently.      I just experienced the most beautiful consult with a patient of mine for eight years. Her cancer keeps coming back all the time. She has gone through 70 chemo cycles. And yet when she comes to me,...

Stop chasing motivation

STOP Chasing Motivation: Do THIS Instead for Lasting Change

One morning I received a call from one of our clients on her seventh cycle of chemotherapy.   She was exhausted and said, "Luke, I don't think I can go through this anymore. I'm not motivated."   I told her, "You don't need motivation to endure chemotherapy. What you need is to remember the immense value of your...

A woman stands in the rain, surrounded by nature, symbolizing acceptance and surrender.

Feeling Stuck with Chronic Health? Try These 7 Lifestyle Changes!

Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a bustling Monday, life doesn’t pause, and neither do the challenges we face. Today, I felt a strong urge to reach out, not because it’s urgent, but because it’s important—especially if you’re feeling stuck. Stuck with a health diagnosis that feels overwhelming, habits that may have lost their spark,...


7 Red Flags of Low Self-Esteem!

Do you often find yourself receding to your shell? Unable to stand your ground, or voice your opinions? Playing it safe to avoid any risks, even if it is at the cost of growth opportunities? It could be a sign of low self-esteem and self-worth. What are the red flags to recognize and avoid?...

Healing medicines

4 Secret Powerful Healing Medicines Hidden Within You

Let’s begin with a story:   I remember this lady telling me years ago, she had cancer, and was recovering and healing.   Her children, with all the right intentions, would book business class tickets and say, “Come to London, let's go to the Maldives.”   And she said to me, “Luke, I don't want to say no. Because I...

4-step mind-hacking technique

The 4-Step Mind-Hacking Technique You Can’t Afford to Miss

  Think of your mind like a secret superpower — it has the ability to help you heal and recover from all sorts of challenges.   Here, we're going to dive into how your thoughts and beliefs play a huge role in your health.   Even though doctors and medications are important, there's another part of the healing puzzle...

3 Karma lessons by Sister BK Shivani

Breaking Karma Stereotypes: 3 Eye-Opening Lessons from My Podcast with Sister BK Shivani

  Karma will hit you back!   We've all heard or even said this phrase at some point in our lives, especially when faced with hurt or challenges.   But is karma a punishment, as many perceive it to be?   In my recent podcast with Sister BK Shivani, we delved deep into the concept of karma and uncovered profound insights...

Kindness Has the Power to Improve Your Mental Health! Here’s How

In today's fast-paced and often self-centered world, kindness may seem like a scarce commodity. However, its importance cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to our mental health. Acts of kindness have the power to transform not only the lives of others but also our own well-being. The Importance of Kindness In a society that often...

5 Signs You Are a People Pleaser and How To Change It

5 Signs You Are a People Pleaser and How To Change It

people-pleaser (ˈpē-pəl-ˈplē-zər) (definition): a people pleaser is a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires Are you a people pleaser? Not sure? Let’s find out. Here are five signs that you may be a people pleaser: 1. You find it difficult to say no...

STOP Trying to Change the People You Love. This Is Why

STOP Trying to Change the People You Love. This Is Why

What do we do when the people we love don’t want to change? And we believe our want for them to change comes from a space of love. As humans, we have an innate desire to help those we love, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. It is natural to want to...

Breakup, Lost Love, or Grief Pushing You Into Despair It’s Not Your Fault, But a Chemical Thing!

Breakup, Lost Love, or Grief Pushing You Into Despair? It’s Not Your Fault, But a Chemical Thing!

Have you felt a deep ache or a sea of overwhelming emotions threatening to drown you when you lose a loved one or experience a breakup? Why does ending that relationship or going through waves of grief feel so colossal? So many people around the world that I meet - both young and old...