Search Results - gut


Fibre: Effective Macronutrient For Constipation And Weight Loss

Fibre is an important macronutrient for the body. People suffering from constipation can especially benefit by including fibre in their diet. Intake of fibre-rich foods can help in smooth movement of bowel by increasing the weight and size of stool. Fibre can be included in diets of people who are aspiring to lose weight....

rice probiotic

The Wisdom of Indian Roots – Rice Probiotic

There is a lot of wisdom in the Indian roots right from Yoga to Ayurveda to Indian spices and herbs to traditional food practices to keep the gut healthy.  A lot of people are inclined towards the western world and are actually spending thousands and thousands of rupees on probiotics. They may be good...

natural tonic ingredients

Natural Tonic To Keep Blood Clean And Toxin Free

Detoxifying your body is one of the most important things you can do for maintaining good health, adequate energy levels, boosting the immune system and losing body fat. Starting your day with a natural detox is a great way to reboot your system, revitalize your body, and feel charged throughout the day. Our early...


Chewing – A Simple Change to Boost Your Digestive Health

We live in a complicated world today. We are constantly on a lookout for things to spend our money on, gadgets that could improve our health, etc, but have forgotten about the intelligence and beauty of nature and our own body. Nature has given us everything we need to maintain good health – immune...

after meal mix

Facing Digestion Issues? This Quick After-Meal Mix Can Help You!

Has it been long since digestive issues have been interfering with your health? Poor digestion is undoubtedly a sign of poor health and there is something that you must do about it . We have previously spoken about different kinds of foods that can help improve digestion. In this article, we will talk about...

traditional food

Going Back To Your Roots And Living At Your Healthiest Best

A healthy lifestyle is the magic drug which can help you live a healthy and fit life. For living a healthy lifestyle, you need to have a strong immune system which depends on how fit you are. Good health can be determined by your ability to use your body and mind around 10 or...

type 2 diabetes

Commonalities in Type-2 Diabetes Patients

Type 2 diabetes is not really a disease. Its basically a lifestyle disorder and a dietary illness. This means that a poor lifestyle and dietary habits can lead to type 2 diabetes. This also means that the kind of lifestyle you live and dietary habits you follow play a huge role in reversing it. Over...


Top 6 Healthy Traditional Snacks Your Kids Should Try!

Is your child fond of fancy food? Influenced by popular culture, we have embraced new and convenient foods like fries, pizzas and burgers. However, as celebrated chef Julia Child has said, sometimes the simple recipes passed down through generations are the best.Parents often make the mistake of thinking that when their child comes (more…)


Top 10 Lifestyle Tips For Alzhiemers And Brain Function

Forgetfulness in old age is probably because of poor brain health. In order to prevent diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's its important we take care of it. The body gives different signs in order to tell that something is wrong with it. When a certain symptom occurs again and again, it is important...


Top 5 Ways To Combat Constipation Naturally

Constipation may be due to the slow movement of food through the digestive system. This may be due to poor diet, dehydration, medications, chronic illness and diseases affecting the nervous system or some mental disorders. Constipation is not a disease. Constipation may be characterized as passing stool (more…)