Tag - sluggish digestion

Malasana Magic How the Ancient Indian Squat Can Ease Constipation, Aches, Tightness, and More

Malasana Magic: How the Ancient Indian Squat Can Ease Constipation, Aches, Tightness, and More

Decoding The Power of the Great Indian Squat (Malasana) Have you been seated for too long? Are you struggling with constipation? Tight hips? Sluggish digestion? Lower backache? Sciatica pains? And more? The answer may lie in the rich ancient Indian practice of Hatha Yoga - in the deep squat, also known as Malasana or the Garland Pose. In this asana, you spread your...

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function? This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Let us talk about a simple drink you can make to stimulate the health of your liver. There is too much information about how one can undergo liver detox. But let me tell you, not everything you read is true because you need to understand how toxins accumulate in the human body and what...