Tag - gallstones

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function? This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Let us talk about a simple drink you can make to stimulate the health of your liver. There is too much information about how one can undergo liver detox. But let me tell you, not everything you read is true because you need to understand how toxins accumulate in the human body and what...

indigestion relief remedy

Indigestion (Dyspepsia): Causes, Tips, and Remedies To Manage It

Dyspepsia also known as indigestion is a common gut issue that affects millions of people today. The term is used to describe discomfort or pain within the upper abdomen. It’s not a disease but a gaggle of symptoms that may range from constant bloating, nausea, and burping. Photo Credit: Freepik/@benzoix How does indigestion happen? It is usually...