Child Birth

Conquering Fears of Childbirth

As you are getting closer to your due date, is your mind flooded with questions like “Will I reach the hospital on time? What if my water breaks? Will I be able to handle the pain? For how long will I bleed after the delivery?” and many more such questions?Well, it is entirely normal...

Manna millets

10 Reasons for Adding the Wonder Grains to your Plate

A long time ago, around 4500BC, the most farmed crops in India were the tiny cereals like, kodo, barnyard, foxtail, proso, and so on, belonging to a wonder grain family called millets. The benefits of these millets have been mentioned in some of the oldest Yajur Veda texts. Even 50 years ago, millets were...

Coffee and Wellness

Coffee for Wellness

Legend has it that coffee was discovered in the Ethiopian plateau by a goat herder, who found that the goats were particularly energetic after having berries from a specific tree. These berries were then collected and taken to the monastery, where they created a beverage out of it. It was established that this berry...

4 Habits that mess up your testosterone levels

4 Habits that are Messing up your Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a hormone, particularly a sex hormone required in men and women, in different quantities. Now, if you are a woman who is reading this, this article is still relevant for you. Many women think that they need less testosterone, but it is not us who should decide that. Our body decides how...

RO Water Purifiers

The RO Water Purifier Scam – How does it harm, and what can we do?

The market is changing today, and it is challenging to find regular water filters or purifiers, the most commonly found machines are RO Water Purifiers or Reverse Osmosis machines.While there is nothing wrong with the machine in itself, if you are using it for water with a TDS limit of less than 500, know...

Breathing Exercises to boost immunity

Top 6 Breathing Techniques To Boost Immunity

Today's world is running a rat race that is imbalanced and dominated by our relationship with technology. Men, women, and children have become slaves to the internet, social media, and technology, all of which increases our screen time. When we work on computers or laptops, we tend to lean forward, extend our necks, and...

Curry Paste Thai Style

Curry Paste (Thai Style!)– a versatile cooking base

A well-made curry paste is one of the foundation components for any cuisine. Presenting below is a basic paste recipe which can be used as a base for Thai soups, curries and stir fry dishes.A mortar and pestle work the best here and is the most traditional way to make the paste because it...

Travel tips for moms-to-be

Travel Tips for Moms-to-be

“Ain't Nobody Happy if Mama Ain't Happy”Heard this one before? Well, this definitely holds true when travelling during pregnancy, as it is that time when a mom-to-be can feel tired or overwhelmed about it the most. Put your worries aside, and enjoy your babymoon with these tips that will ensure happy travel.Before you travel:This...

social media hygiene

How To Practice Good Social Media Hygiene

In today's world, routine tasks have become much easier than what they were like back in the old days. We have easy access to pretty much anything we want or need. This convenience is made possible through the internet, and our smart phones.Every day we get inundated with advertisements and notifications of various events...

Dairy, Gluten Free Challenge

Tips For Starting A Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Diet

“The problem is not with dairy or gluten. The problem is with the deteriorating quality of dairy and wheat-based products and our weak gut. If you have constant gut issues, eliminate them, and notice how your symptoms improve.”If you have acne, gut problems, PCOD, hormonal imbalance, bloating, flatulence, belly fat, and brain fog, you may...

Foods High in Lectin

Top 10 Foods High in Lectin

Every day, I see a new trend emerging on the internet talking about eliminating a particular food or a food group from our diet to stay fit and to get the ideal lean figure we all dream about. These trends make you believe that the only obstacle between you and your model body is...

Moringa Lentil Dosa

Moringa Lentil Dosa

Moringa leaves are the leaves of the drumstick tree. Of late, these leaves have gained popularity and suddenly become a superfood and flavour-of-the-year for their incredible magical properties. They have always existed in our country, especially in South India and are used a lot in various food preparations.Almost all parts of the tree are...