Tag - thyme

A Surprising Herb Hack to Make Every Meal Nutrient-Dense

A Surprising Herb Hack to Make Every Meal Nutrient-Dense

In today’s world of fad diets and constantly changing food trends, there’s one simple rule to follow for better health—make every meal nutrient-dense. Whether you're looking to stay full longer, support cellular health, or manage conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or inflammation, nutrient-dense meals can make all the difference. And here’s the surprising...


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

How often have you made another health excuse on your leave application because you were embarrassed to state that the cause of your absence is a UTI? UTI stands for Urinary tract infection. It is a bacterial infection that lines the urinary tract or bladder and in extreme cases, even the kidneys. It affects...


A Cup of Tea for Better Bone, Gut, Brain, and Heart Health

In our research in cancer, immunology, inflammatory and lifestyle diseases, we constantly learn how the simplest foods (that have existed for decades) benefit our health. Today we want to speak to you about one such beverage. This simple beverage improves your bone density, cognitive function, and gut health and lowers inflammation at a deep cellular...