Tag - osteopenia

The Truth About Steroids Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

The Truth About Steroids: Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

What comes to mind when we say steroids? Are you visualizing muscular bodybuilders and athletes taking pills or injecting anabolic steroids to build muscles and enhance performance? These are not the steroids we are talking about.   What you read next is for people who are administered steroids by their doctors for medical conditions, whether it...

osteoblasts bone health

Osteoblasts! Find Out What They Are and Why You Need Them

Have you heard about osteoblasts? No? Well, before we dive straight into the topic, here are some observations that I need to share with you to build context. I have many patients between the ages of 20 to 40, who complain of painful and weakened bones. Upon further checking, we are increasingly meeting people in...


A Cup of Tea for Better Bone, Gut, Brain, and Heart Health

In our research in cancer, immunology, inflammatory and lifestyle diseases, we constantly learn how the simplest foods (that have existed for decades) benefit our health. Today we want to speak to you about one such beverage. This simple beverage improves your bone density, cognitive function, and gut health and lowers inflammation at a deep cellular...