Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

Phalguni Lost 14 Kgs, Reduced HbA1c After 6 Years, and Her Cancer Is Now in Remission!

From Struggle to Strength: Phalguni lost 14 kgs, reduced HbA1c after 6 years, and her cancer is now in remission! Before and after "My journey with Team Luke and Vidhi started after my cancer treatment. I was told I had thyroid cancer and my lymph nodes were affected. So once the surgery and ablation were done,...

The Silent Culprit Low Testosterone in Men and Women

The Silent Culprit: Low Testosterone in Men and Women

Is Low Testosterone to Blame for Your Health Issues?   Struggling with low sex drive, stubborn belly fat, or fatigue that won’t quit? You’re not alone. Low testosterone levels could be behind many of these common problems for both men and women. In fact, testosterone plays a crucial role beyond sexual health, influencing everything from muscle...

5 Red Flags You Are Dealing With a Narcissist

5 Red Flags You Are Dealing With a Narcissist

Navigating a relationship with a narcissist can be exhausting and emotionally draining. These individuals thrive on manipulation, attention, and control, leaving others feeling diminished or even powerless. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of narcissistic behavior early on to protect your emotional well-being. Here are five red flags that indicate you might be dealing with a...

From 78 Kgs to 63 Kgs and 47% to 77% Lung Capacity: This 60-YO Businesswoman’s Journey Is #goals!

From 78 kgs to 63 kgs 40 mg to 2.5 mg steroids 47% to 77% lung capacity And battling brain fog, fatigue, debilitating pain, and lethargy to swinging with energy and strength training at VO2 max… This 60-YO businesswoman's journey is #goals! How it began "In 2015, I was diagnosed with COPD, ILD, lung capacity restriction, and subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis....

From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s eczema Journey Spells Hope

From Needle-Pricking Pain to Smoother Skin: This 71-YO’s Eczema Journey Spells Hope

From needle-pricking pain to smoother and shinier skin: This 71-year-old’s eczema journey spells hope Where we started Where we are "Today, her skin has cleared and become smoother and shinier than ever. My mom was diagnosed with eczema 1.5 years ago. We tried Ayurveda and other treatments a year back but nothing seemed to have worked. The...

5 Red Flags You're in Victim Mode (And How to Move On) (1)

5 Red Flags You’re in Victim Mode (And How to Move On)

At some point in life, we all face hardships and setbacks. However, the way we respond to these challenges can define whether we remain stuck in a victim mindset or empower ourselves to move forward. Being in "victim mode" means feeling helpless, powerless, and stuck in a loop where you believe the world is...

Aditi Lost Stubborn Fat, Regained Confidence, and Got Years of Gut Issues Under Control in 90 Days!

Aditi Lost Stubborn Fat, Regained Confidence, and Got Years of Gut Issues Under Control in 90 Days!

Think your gut health and hormones don’t affect fat loss? Think again. Meet Aditi, who lost stubborn fat, regained confidence, and got years of gut issues under control in 90 days! Where it all began "When I would say I am severely constipated, I would get suggestions like try drinking more water, consuming more fiber, and laxatives....

9 Red Flags of People Who Appear Kind but Are Manipulative Beneath

9 Red Flags of People Who Appear Kind but Are Manipulative Beneath

Not everyone who seems kind is truly acting out of sincerity. In fact, some people use charm and sweetness manipulatively to control those around them. It’s easy to get swept up by their warmth, but with time, their real intentions can surface, leaving you feeling confused, drained, or even betrayed. Recognizing the red flags...


7 Dangers of Sleep Apnea (Top Lifestyle Changes You Should Make)

A Silent Danger: 7 Dangers of Sleep Apnea (Top Lifestyle Changes You Should Make) Sleep apnea is a hidden danger that affects millions of people, yet most remain unaware of its potentially fatal consequences. Commonly misunderstood or overlooked, sleep apnea can wreak havoc on your body, leading to serious health issues if left untreated. Here’s...

Ulcerative Colitis: From 22 Motions Per Day And Losing 26 Kgs To Finding Hope Again

This 30-year-old woman came to us with a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis. Her flare-ups made her pass more than 22-23 motions per day with blood in her stools. "I couldn't even walk 80 steps a day or sleep at night. I shed 26 kgs in 3 months and underwent massive hair fall. I was...


This Vitamin C-Packed Fruit is Good for Skin, Immunity, Cancer, and More

When it comes to fruits, we have a wide array of choices, each offering unique health benefits. However, it's important to remember that the quality of the fruit matters—opting for pesticide-free or chemical-free options from trusted sources, like farmers' markets or labels that ensure clean practices, is crucial. Today, I want to talk about...


How To Overcome Worry and Anxiety With 1 Powerful Tool

Can faith help you overcome worries and anxiety? Before trying to decode this, I want to share something with you. For over 13 years, I believed that nutrition was everything. As a nutritionist, I thought if you ate right, your health would automatically fall into place. But two years later, I realized that nutrition is...