Tag - autoimmune disorders

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS in conditon management

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS

As humans, it is in our nature to avoid pain and seek comfort, which is why so many of us keep painkillers handy. These tablets have their moment and purpose in condition management, but the real issue arises when they're misused – taken as casually as one might pop a candy.     The problem is, while...

Autoimmune Disorders Condition Management with the help of reducing chronic stress, improving gut health, and promoting emotional wellness

Autoimmune Disorders: 3 Lifestyle Secrets of Condition Management

Do you ever wonder if there's more to managing autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, eczema, Hashimoto's, or multiple sclerosis than just relying on medications? While immunosuppressants and steroids play a crucial and life-saving role in treatment, their long-term use and dependence can lead to significant side effects.   Autoimmune diseases can cause extreme stress and feel like...