Tag - healthy lifestyle

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS in conditon management

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS

As humans, it is in our nature to avoid pain and seek comfort, which is why so many of us keep painkillers handy. These tablets have their moment and purpose in condition management, but the real issue arises when they're misused – taken as casually as one might pop a candy.     The problem is, while...

Autoimmune Disorders Condition Management with the help of reducing chronic stress, improving gut health, and promoting emotional wellness

Autoimmune Disorders: 3 Lifestyle Secrets of Condition Management

Do you ever wonder if there's more to managing autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, eczema, Hashimoto's, or multiple sclerosis than just relying on medications? While immunosuppressants and steroids play a crucial and life-saving role in treatment, their long-term use and dependence can lead to significant side effects.   Autoimmune diseases can cause extreme stress and feel like...

Healthy family

Discover the Secret to a Better Life: 3 Core Foundations

Do you think there is a magic recipe for living a fulfilling life? The magic recipe can be summed up by eating well, exercising regularly, and keeping busy. But, is ticking off tasks on our productivity apps the real key to deep satisfaction?    While these elements are important, they barely scratch the surface of what...

A woman stands in the rain, surrounded by nature, symbolizing acceptance and surrender.

Feeling Stuck with Chronic Health? Try These 7 Lifestyle Changes!

Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a bustling Monday, life doesn’t pause, and neither do the challenges we face. Today, I felt a strong urge to reach out, not because it’s urgent, but because it’s important—especially if you’re feeling stuck. Stuck with a health diagnosis that feels overwhelming, habits that may have lost their spark,...


How Divine Grace Sustained Me

I hope each of you is doing well. As you know, I keep talking about divine grace and energy that exists in and around all of us. Yet, sometimes we move so fast in our lives or have too much chatter in the mind that we fail to realize its existence. Practicing mindfulness and reflection...

Hormones Could Affect Your Heart Health: Our Hormone Experts Reveal

The heart and hormone connection is real. Image credits: Unsplash Your life will keep beating until your healthy heart keeps beating. And to have a healthy heart, you must be aware of what matters to your heart! With so much evidence on the link between our habits and our risk for developing certain health risks,...


Why Are Young People Dying of Sudden Strokes and Heart Attacks?

Today we see young and fit people who eat healthily, exercise regularly, go to gyms, and have ripped bodies dying of sudden heart attacks and strokes. Why is this happening? Is there a gap in cardiovascular care? Or are we so focused on post-heart attack action, that we have failed to pay attention to...


Beyond Omicron: How to Activate Your Immune Army Using Lifestyle

As COVID-19 and its variant Omicron cases continue to rise across our cities, states, country, and the world, many of us have started 2022 with bouts of anxiety. But if there is one thing that we can tell you for sure and believe us, this is not to scare you. You will constantly hear about...


Luke Coutinho’s Tips to Give Yourself a Healthy Start in 2022

Luke Coutinho, an award-winning life coach who practices in the field of integrative lifestyle medicine, tells Anand Raj OK how by making small but important lifestyle changes, we can reap major health benefits. (One of the changes is so simple you can do it literally with your eyes closed!) Luke on the cover of Friday...


Our Most Successful Clients Adopted These Top Lifestyle Changes in 2021

As 2021 draws to an end, we decided to look back and reflect on the journeys of our clients over the last year. And these are the top lifestyle changes that had a phenomenal impact on their health and recovery. Want to know more? Watch this video until the end. Delve deeper into the details...


Feel Hungrier In Winters? It Could Be Your Hormones!

An increase in appetite as winter draws near can be attributed to your hormones. Image courtesy: Freepik We want you to reflect on this - Do you feel hungrier in winters? Do you experience a surge in your appetite and cravings? If yes, stay with us for some time and understand the meaning behind this. As winter...


20 Health Benefits of Amla You Just Cannot Miss

The beautiful green translucent fruit amla derives its origin from the Sanskrit word ‘Amalaki’ that translates to the nectar of life. Known for its immense health benefits in Ayurveda for thousands of years, this super fruit is garnering fame across the globe for all the right reasons. This inexpensive yet humble fruit is a super...