
Lifestyle Tips and Natural Remedies to Manage Arthritis

More than 180 million people in India have arthritis. This number is higher than those who struggle with diabetes, AIDS, and even cancer. This joint disease has different categories. The most common forms include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis or sometimes certain kinds of spondylitis. But one commonality that we need to understand is that...

Using Lifestyle to Manage Acidity

There are so many people today who suffer from acid reflux, acidity, burping, bloating, flatulence. These are all forms of acidity which if not handled properly at the right time can cause innumerable ailments like cancer, diabetes, poor skin quality, poor inability to lose weight, poor hair quality and much more. Every cell in...

Top 5 Tips For Your Child’s Gut Health

Today a lot of children have allergies and skin problems like eczema psoriasis and asthma and many other skin issues. As adults we can see this growing as a common trend amongst our children today and a lot of this relates back to the way we have brought up our children and our changing...

Brown Rice vs. White Rice

When it comes to rice there is white and there is brown and there's this whole debate about which is healthier for you which is better for weight loss. There isn't a problem with white rice. A lot of people think that diabetes is related to white rice, weight gain is related to white rice....

Breathing Techniques for Better Cycles of Sleep

A lot of people keep asking how many hours of sleep should I get every night. The medical literature usually says seven to eight hours or sometimes eight to nine hours. But it's not really about how many hours you sleep because there are a lot of people who sleep for even five and...

3 Great Vegetarian Proteins for Immunity and Lean body

It's not just about the quantity of protein. What really matters is the quality of protein and how your body breaks down protein into amino acids. Your immunity uses amino acids. Your muscles use amino acids to build. So you could be taking scoops and scoops of whey protein every single day and seeing...


Top Four Commonalities Doctors And Nutritionists Find in Cancer Patients

If we look around today, we have the best doctors, hospitals, nutritionists, supplements, gyms, super foods and everything possible in the name of health care. Yet cancer is becoming an epidemic and the number of people afflicted with it is increasing at an alarming rate.  This is not just in India, but across the...


Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most amazing gifts of nature .  Its no ordinary oil . Its therapeutic effect on the human body is beyond imagination . Right from diseases like Weight loss , Thyroid , Alzheimer's , Parkinson's  to Cancer and Cardiovascular ,coconut oil has the capacity to heal the body of...


Do We Need to Replace the Traditional Indian Chai with Green Tea?

Every day I wake up to my mailbox full of questions revolving around Indian Chai and whether to have or not .While on one hand , the Indian chai has recently become a rage in the West and people from New York and California are raving about its health benefits ,  on the other...


Mangoes — to Eat or Not to Eat for Diabetics & Others

Right about this time of the year, my mailbox is flooded with innumerable questions pertaining to mangoes. “Can I eat mangoes if I have diabetes?” Wouldn’t mangoes raise my sugar levels?”. “ Oh! Mangoes are too much sugar.  Am I going to put on weight if I eat mangoes?” (more…)

breast cancer

Breast Cancer – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The National Cancer Institute states that thirty-three percent of breast cancers are preventable. We all have a lymphatic system whose job is to drain out cellular waste from your body. Now most lymphomas most carcinomas found in breast or lymph nodes which are infected is nothing but a jammed up lymphatic system (more…)


Bloating: Causes and Natural Ways to Cure

Are you the one who wakes up to a huge round belly and a puffy face in the morning that soon settles down towards mid-day and come evening ,you regain the puffiness once again ? And just because of how you felt in the morning, you have cursed yourself all day long and even...