What is a Jade Roller and How Can I Use One?

With ever evolving skincare routines, many new skin care gadgets are being launched every now and then. Few products make it to the top and become a trend. One such current trend is the Jade Roller, and is in almost all beauty bloggers' vanity cases.   For those of you who have just come across the...

Forgiveness is a Gift

What Is Forgiveness ? How Can It Benefit You ?

Forgiveness is a gift. The ability to forgive takes a lot of self-work and a lot of pain to accept and let go. It isn't easy. It is easy for us to preach about the benefits of forgiveness. Still, it is not always easy for people to do this from their heart, as it...

Home-baked Ginger Cookies

An all-time favourite, crispy baked delicacy with a hint of love, gratitude, and happiness for this Christmas!   Who doesn't love ginger cookies? Well made ginger cookies with the perfect zing of ginger is such a classic Christmas delicacy relished by many. As much as we love them, most store-bought commercial varieties have overly processed and...

Healthy Christmas Cakes

Healthy Christmas Cakes

Healthy and Christmas cakes usually do not go hand in hand. Most Christmas cakes are laced with cream, fondants, sugar and syrups, and artificial flavours, but here, we make healthy possible for you! What makes it so healthy? The recipe replaces traditional white refined flours that make up most store-purchased cakes with healthier options that...

Kids Menu December 2020

Try These Healthy Recipes For Your Kids

Dear Parents,  Happy December! Thank you for your overwhelming response to the monthly menus for kids. Most parents believe that getting kids to eat healthy demands quite a bit of patience. However, we believe that healthy can be made tasty too! It's how smartly you plan and design their meals. These couple of months have been a...

winter food recipes

4 Indian Recipes To Keep You Warm and Healthy This Winter

As the season changes, we must turn to nature and look at what it has to offer us, because it knows best how to prepare us for the upcoming season. Our grandparents till date, change their food choices as the seasons changed. They would ideally start to prepare warming foods that fit the winter...

Circadian rhythm fasting

A New Way of Living

If there is one lifestyle change that we have experienced working very well with our clients over the last few months, is aligning with nature and it’s cycles. We may have the best food plans, exercise regimes, yoga classes, and everything else, but for this to work effectively – the timing plays a huge role.  Our bodies are...

Hair Loss

Best Foods to Help Prevent Hair Loss

The health of our hair is mostly an inside out approach. While losing a couple of strands is normal, when our hair starts to fall or shed in bunches, it mostly means an underlying nutrient deficiency or lifestyle factors like excessive stress, poor sleep or habits like smoking and drinking. Many times, the condition...


Practicing Gratitude For A Happier You!

“You can be happy RIGHT NOW, by appreciating what you already have. Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose by trying.”   When people think of Thanksgiving, they think of turkey dinners with butter and gravy, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, football, and Macy Day parades. While all this may be a part of the...

Vaginal Health

Vagina: What’s Normal What’s Not

There are some subjects in life most of us do not talk about freely. It could be out of embarrassment, or it, being a social taboo, but either way, the comfort level when speaking about these subjects is never particularly high! One such topic is vaginal health. It is usual for girls or women to...

winter foods

Warm-up your Winter!

It is that time of the year again! The weather is changing in most parts of our country right now, and as the season changes, we must look at what nature gives us. If you look at your ancestors and grandparents to date in India, food choices are made as and when the season...

Easy Tips to Maintain your Weight this Festive Season

4 Easy Tips to Maintain your Weight this Festive Season

Over the next couple of days and weeks, there are four lifestyle changes that we can adopt throughout Diwali and the festive season to make sure: You maintain your weight or continue losing weight the healthy way. You keep your immunity strong. You genuinely enjoy festivities without having to obsess about your weight, how...