Tag - forgiveness

Change Pride to an attitude of deep humility

The Humility Factor: How Letting Go of Pride Can Change Everything

Before I touch upon the focus of this article, I want to share an interaction I had recently.      I just experienced the most beautiful consult with a patient of mine for eight years. Her cancer keeps coming back all the time. She has gone through 70 chemo cycles. And yet when she comes to me,...

3 Karma lessons by Sister BK Shivani

Breaking Karma Stereotypes: 3 Eye-Opening Lessons from My Podcast with Sister BK Shivani

  Karma will hit you back!   We've all heard or even said this phrase at some point in our lives, especially when faced with hurt or challenges.   But is karma a punishment, as many perceive it to be?   In my recent podcast with Sister BK Shivani, we delved deep into the concept of karma and uncovered profound insights...

Manifestation Not Working For You Try This

Manifestation Not Working For You? Try This

Imagine a world where your thoughts act as seeds and your mind is the fertile soil in which they grow. Every thought and intention possesses the potential to manifest into outcomes. Before you think manifestation is a buzzword, let me tell you this. Manifestation is more than just wishful thinking, daydreaming or idle wishing. It...


Life Lessons From My Consults: Overcoming Fear and Finding Life Purpose

When I count my blessings, I am thankful for the gift of good health, my family, and the life I make the most of. I have always believed that it doesn’t matter how much or how little you have. What matters is what you do with what you have. It is how I view...


Stressed? Try Some of These Asanas To Feel Better

It is perfectly natural to feel anxious or overwhelmed at this moment. After all, we are facing times like never before. And with uncertainty, comes the inevitable possibility of stress, anxiety and fatigue. But there is a way to relieve this. And it is journeyed all the way from ancient India - through YOGA!...


Talking to God: Why You Must Try It Too

Have you tried talking to God? Photo Credits: Unsplash One night, I decided to speak to God. I like to sit upon the balcony under the stars to meditate, reflect, be in silence in the morning and before bedtime. But that evening seemed different. I couldn’t get myself to meditate or reflect. I felt I had...


Our Most Successful Clients Adopted These Top Lifestyle Changes in 2021

As 2021 draws to an end, we decided to look back and reflect on the journeys of our clients over the last year. And these are the top lifestyle changes that had a phenomenal impact on their health and recovery. Want to know more? Watch this video until the end. Delve deeper into the details...


Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One: A Message on Grieving, Hope, and Living From a Real Experience in My Life

The past two years have been difficult for many people across the world. More so for those of us who have loved and lost people closest to our hearts. Our line of work brings us unbelievable opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life - those sick, dying, suffering, or even grieving....

Forgiveness is a Gift

What Is Forgiveness ? How Can It Benefit You ?

Forgiveness is a gift. The ability to forgive takes a lot of self-work and a lot of pain to accept and let go. It isn't easy. It is easy for us to preach about the benefits of forgiveness. Still, it is not always easy for people to do this from their heart, as it...

free spirit

Stop Thinking and Start Living

Just like breathing thinking is also an unconscious action and our conscious thoughts and then there are unconscious thoughts which are constantly happening every second of the day. We could either be speaking to someone we could be reading something we could be watching something we could be tracking something on social media but...