The Sleep Company

Does Your Mattress Have THIS?!

Sleep is as precious as one's life. Despite the knowledge we often take sleep for granted and overlook the potential long-term health consequences of insufficient sleep, and the impact that health problems can ultimately have on one's time and productivity. There are so many of us who wake up with some kind of body pain or fatigue – one...

raw mango

Go the Raw Mango Way

Mango is one of the most loved fruits of the tropics and we like it in all forms. Its journey from green tangy sour raw mango to the sweet succulent yellow mangoes is something we all love to devour. It's the right time when green mangoes are available in plenty and we can take maximum...

drumstick rasam

Drumstick Rasam

A super nutritious and traditional lentil-based preparation. Its a perfect balance of protein, zinc, manganese, folic acid, fibre and iron, vitamin A, B3, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, iron and calcium. Besides lentils, it contains a variety of ingredients like turmeric, black pepper, curry leaves, tomatoes, tamarind and drumsticks - making it a powerful immunity...

kokum coolant

Kokum Coolant

Sol Kadhi, along the costal lines and Brinda in the southern parts of the country, Kokum or Garcina indica is a super food when it comes to tackling body heat and acidity. Ayurveda too has its mention as kokum is instrumental in controlling pitta levels in our body, which is body heat/acidity. This special...

Indian Food

Five Recipes from Leftover Food

1. Multigrain Lauki (bottle gourd) Muthiyas Ingredients: 2 cups – freshly grated bottle gourd (lauki/bottle gourd) 1⁄2 cup – chopped spinach/fenugreek (palak/methi- spinach/fenugreek) (as per availability) 1⁄2 cup – jowar/bajra flour 1 cup – sattu -roasted gram (chana) flour 1 cup – cooked leftover rice 1⁄2 cup finger millet (ragi flour) (optional) 1 tbsp –...


Kokum – An Inexpensive Gift of Nature

Most people who are into supplements have heard of something called “Garcinia Cambogia” as a fat burning super-food & supplement, however, its sister fruit “Garcinia Indica” also known as “Kokum” remains cold-shouldered. Kokum grows in the coastal forests of Southern India, Gujarat, Goa and Maharashtra and is one of the most under-exploited gems these places...

immunity tea

Immunity Tea Recipe

Everything revolves around your immunity. The basis of what we do for prevention and healing of every single disease -from obesity to diabetes and even cancer, is based on this powerful and intelligent system called Immunity. Using Balanced Nutrition , as one of the most important pillars to build immunity, we spend a lot of...

healthy Summer drinks

Top 5 Traditional Coolants for This Summer

it’s the peak of summers across India and temperatures are soaring. What effect does the rising temperature have on our body? Every organ in our body- heart, brain, liver, kidney is temperature sensitive and our body does a really good job of regulating the right temperature. But sometimes the heat gets a bit too...

spiced sattu buttermilk

Spiced Sattu Buttermilk/Mattha

Serves  : 2 Ingredients :     2 tbsp sattu powder 3 tbsp fresh A2 organic curd 2 cups water black pepper a pinch. 1/4 tsp roasted cumin/jeera powder pink salt to taste 1 tsp Lemon juice Method : Whisk the curd till smooth. Add all the ingredients to the yoghurt. Dilute with water. Some...

seed Cycling

What Is Seed Cycling ? How Does It Effect Hormones ?

With the increasing number of cases of PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in young girls, menopausal symptoms in women and increasing issues of infertility due to Hormonal imbalance, women have started trying all sorts of diets and exercises. Seed cycling is one of the processes tried by many women to help with hormonal correction, regularize...


Bored? Find Out Why It’s A Good Thing!

In today’s world we are being constantly flooded with a barrage of information and stimulus that we hardly ever get an opportunity to be bored. We are always running from one task to the other and going from one event to another. We’re constantly being entertained. There is nothing stopping us. Be it adults or...


How to Deal with Smelly Burps

Burps / Belching is usually harmless and simply a sign that there is too much air in the stomach. But sometimes improper digestion can make our burp smell like rotten eggs due to the build-up of Hydrogen Sulphide gas. Hence these burps are also called as sulphur burps. While the formation of gas and its...