bed wetting

Find Out The One Of The Reason Behind Your Kid Wetting The Bed.

A lot of parents have been getting their kids to me for their bed wetting issues (the kids) at night. This can occur between ages of 3 till even 12 and early teenage years. The first rule is - NEVER EVER make your kids feel bad about this. Shaming them, comparing them with siblings or...

Sugar And Cancer: Does Sugar Increase The Risk Of Cancer?

"Cancer cells can only run on sugar. You cut off their food source, they die. That's the theory, and it's been shown to be, often, very effective in many difficult to treat cancers, which is now undergoing a lot of research”. Experiments conducted on rats by Dr. Serge Ahmed of Bordeaux, France, prove that...


The Connection Between Childhood Experiences And Adult Problems

It’s become a regular phenomenon to meet with patients daily, who are struggling with health, stressed out, burnt out , relationships a mess, depression, anxiety, feelings of low self worth and confidence ...the more and more we talk and diagnose, the stronger the connection with their current problems and their childhood. (more…)

break up

How To Cope Up With A Break Up

With so much exposure to spirituality, spiritual healers, self-help books, meditation techniques and meditation camps, ability to leave everything and head to the mountains to find oneself when going through all of these emotions - it’s a wonder how depression, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, etc is at its highest! (more…)

thrive global

4 Ways To Heal Your Body Using The Power Of Your Mind

Your mind is a powerful tool and it can either be your best asset or your worst enemy. There is constant communication between your mind and your body. What your mind thinks, imagines and sees, it accordingly sends a signal to your body and your body responds to the signal by manifesting every one...


Holistic Healing Case Studies – Psoriasis

I had a 7-year-old girl come in with extreme psoriasis issues. She has tried allopathy, steroidal creams, Ayurveda and the condition didn’t seem to get better (This doesn’t mean any of the treatments she was on was wrong. Symptoms will be treated the way they are supposed to by allopathic medicine). Her mum brought...