Tag - healing

A woman stands in the rain, surrounded by nature, symbolizing acceptance and surrender.

Feeling Stuck with Chronic Health? Try These 7 Lifestyle Changes!

Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a bustling Monday, life doesn’t pause, and neither do the challenges we face. Today, I felt a strong urge to reach out, not because it’s urgent, but because it’s important—especially if you’re feeling stuck. Stuck with a health diagnosis that feels overwhelming, habits that may have lost their spark,...

Healing medicines

4 Secret Powerful Healing Medicines Hidden Within You

Let’s begin with a story:   I remember this lady telling me years ago, she had cancer, and was recovering and healing.   Her children, with all the right intentions, would book business class tickets and say, “Come to London, let's go to the Maldives.”   And she said to me, “Luke, I don't want to say no. Because I...

4-step mind-hacking technique

The 4-Step Mind-Hacking Technique You Can’t Afford to Miss

  Think of your mind like a secret superpower — it has the ability to help you heal and recover from all sorts of challenges.   Here, we're going to dive into how your thoughts and beliefs play a huge role in your health.   Even though doctors and medications are important, there's another part of the healing puzzle...

3 Karma lessons by Sister BK Shivani

Breaking Karma Stereotypes: 3 Eye-Opening Lessons from My Podcast with Sister BK Shivani

  Karma will hit you back!   We've all heard or even said this phrase at some point in our lives, especially when faced with hurt or challenges.   But is karma a punishment, as many perceive it to be?   In my recent podcast with Sister BK Shivani, we delved deep into the concept of karma and uncovered profound insights...

Harnessing the power of breath

Harnessing the Power of Breath: Your Key to Improved Health and Well-being

Think about it: Do you remind your heart to beat, your eyes to blink, or your liver to work? When you eat, do you instruct your body to extract essential nutrients from your food?   No, you don't!   It's the body’s innate intelligence within you that handles these processes.   So, how do we tap into this incredible internal...

Manifestation Not Working For You Try This

Manifestation Not Working For You? Try This

Imagine a world where your thoughts act as seeds and your mind is the fertile soil in which they grow. Every thought and intention possesses the potential to manifest into outcomes. Before you think manifestation is a buzzword, let me tell you this. Manifestation is more than just wishful thinking, daydreaming or idle wishing. It...

gratitude exercise benefits

Have You Tried This 3-Finger Gratitude Exercise?

“Gratitude is a lifeline that can bring you to the surface again when you are going through the most challenging, saddest, and darkest days of life.” - Luke Coutinho Is gratitude powerful? How can it rewire our brains and emotions? How can it transform our lives? Two psychologists from the University of California and Miami...


The Health Benefits of Khichdi: A Desi Superfood

The Indian superfood we want to talk about is not a seed, flower, herb, or spice. Yet it is one of our favorite meals. If you grew up in India, chances are you love and adore this too. Yes, you guessed it right. The desi superfood that we are talking about is khichdi. This...


The Beginner’s Guide To Inflammation

Our greatest strength can be our greatest weakness in many areas of life, from love to health to money to careers. Take, for example, our astoundingly sophisticated response to injury and infection. We release a swarm of cellular troops that inevitably slaughter invaders and clear out traitors from our bodies. The cells' movements are...

Overcoming Grief: How to Deal With a Loved One’s Loss?

Overcoming Grief: How to Deal With a Loved One’s Loss

“Grief is a cruel kind of education. You learn how ungentle mourning can be, how full of anger. You learn how glib condolences can feel. You learn how much grief is about language, the failure of language, and the grasping for language.” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Notes on Grief Death is inevitable and so is the...


How Melatonin Helped Me Recover And Heal Through The Night

What is written below is my experience. This is not medical or lifestyle advice for you.   It’s been eight times over the last one year that I have used 3mg of melatonin and valerian root to induce deeper sleep. I have no problem with sleep. In fact, I consider myself blessed to be able to...


Transforming Fear into Faith and Trusting Life

The last week of patient consults have been heavy, emotional and draining, not in a bad way but in a way that has made me push back, slow down and really reflect. In our practice, diagnosing a possible root cause is or prime importance. We have medical doctors to treat and medicate the symptoms...