social media detox

Have you tried Social Media Detox/Fasting?

I had one of the best weekends, I can remember since the last couple of years. On Saturday at around 11am, I decided to go off social media completely. Of course, I continued to stay active on WhatsApp and email (maybe I checked that once or twice in 26 hours), but was off Facebook, Instagram,...

moringa for rural India

The Power of Moringa Leaves, Drumsticks & Nature

This is a pic of Harshala and me enjoying a glass of moringa juice. 5 grams of pure moringa powder stirred into water. The Moringa / Sehjan project - Do you know what moringa is? Besides becoming an overpriced superfood flooding the U.S, U.K, European, Amsterdam market and other countries, this simple looking plant finds itself...


Autism: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

I don’t have a magic pill to sell or offer you false hope by claiming Autism can be reversed completely. What I do have to offer you are years of experience in handling clients who have brought their kids to us with autism or put into a bucket of “autism spectrum”, because they showed...


What is Addiction ?

For the longest time people have been indulging in substance abuse, be it smoking, alcohol, tobacco or wild herbs like weed to get high or to feel better. We need to understand that decrease in anxiety or stress levels achieved by using above mentioned stuff is for a very short time, You need another...

type 2 diabetes

The Ugly Truth About Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

Type 2 diabetes must be taken with complete seriousness and so should be high blood pressure. Having a combination of both means only one thing - You need to get your lifestyle in order and do whatever it takes to reduce the same and eliminate it. (more…)

child abuse

Sexual Abuse And It’s Impact On Human Psychology

It’s so important to protect our children, boys and girls from sexual abuse, inappropriate touch and emotional abuse. Over the last coupe of months, the number of cases that come to us have escalated in an alarming way. People come to us with cancer, rare syndromes, lifestyle diseases, depression, anxiety, etc. Our core principle...


The Missing Ingredient – Love, Attention, Care and Communication

Drugs, alcohol, dangerous sex, wrong company, unhealthy relationships - These are some of the things parents are terrified of their children and teenagers getting into. There are many contributing factors to why children, teenagers and even young adults stray and abuse the above. But one of the most common reason I write this is...

waking up

3 Reasons Why You Wake Up Tired Every Morning

Waking up early in the morning has a lot of benefits. For many people, being an early riser is a daily struggle. But once you have mastered the art of going to bed early and waking up early too, you will experience positive changes in your health. Waking up early in the morning not...


Before You Get On a Sleeping Pill, Try THIS!

Sleep is one of the powerful lifestyle drugs which all of us need for prevention as well as healing any disease. Some of us are blessed with a good quality of sleep every single day while many of them experience the bad quality of sleep. Better way to describe insomnia is where in a...

grey hair

Magic hair oil mix to halt premature greying, hair fall, dandruff and lustreless hair

The benefits of mustard oil, coconut oil, curry leaves and fenugreek seeds for hair care are very well known to all of us. This oil mix combines all the 4 ingredients to make an amazing oi mix that can address most of your hair issues primarily premature greying and hair fall . (more…)

jay jeera

Jal Jeera – The Summer Coolant

Summer coolant Jal Jeera emerged from the northern parts of the country due to it's cooling effects on the body. This refresher was created by a group of people on the banks of Ganges where it was prepared with silbatti (stone slabs) grinding all the ingredients finely, after which the powder was mixed with...