
after meal mix

Facing Digestion Issues? This Quick After-Meal Mix Can Help You!

Has it been long since digestive issues have been interfering with your health? Poor digestion is undoubtedly a sign of poor health and there is something that you must do about it . We have previously spoken about different kinds of foods that can help improve digestion. In this article, we will talk about...

traditional food

Going Back To Your Roots And Living At Your Healthiest Best

A healthy lifestyle is the magic drug which can help you live a healthy and fit life. For living a healthy lifestyle, you need to have a strong immune system which depends on how fit you are. Good health can be determined by your ability to use your body and mind around 10 or...

child nutrition

Nutrition For Kids: Guidelines For A Healthy Diet

When it comes to food, little ones are the most difficult to please. Place a bowl of healthy oats mixed with fruits and they will reject it. Offer them a burger or pizza and see them gobble it up with glee in their faces. Exasperating, isn’t it? Children often fret over food choices and are...


Benefits of Lycopene In Tomatoes For Fighting Cancer

Lycopene is a naturally occurring chemical that gives fruits and vegetables the bright red color. It is one amongst a number of pigments called carotenoids. Lycopene is found in tomatoes, red cabbage, mango, carrots, apricots, guavas, red oranges, watermelons, pink grapefruits and rosehips. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that (more…)

lemon water

Amazing Drink to Burn Belly Fat and Other Health Benefits

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can be beneficial for your skin, muscle, weight management, keeps you hydrates, prevents joint pain and overall health. Water helps the body's cells absorb nutrients and protects you from infections. But drinking one or two glasses of warm or hot water every morning might offer (more…)

healthy fats

Did You Know That Your Body Needs Good Fats For Healthy Function?

Fats are an important part of your daily nutrition. Excluding them from your diet entirely in the name of weight loss can be harmful for the body. In one of his latest live videos on Facebook, lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho talks about how both fats and carbs have reached the bottom of the food...


Health Benefits Of Jaljeera

In the complicated lives that we are all living today, we tend to forget the beauty of the word simplicity.  In such times, it is important to value simplicity and simple lifestyle habits which come completely free of cost! A simple practice like deep breathing has a positive influence on your life and health....

good fats

The Importance Of Healthy Fats

In today's busy lives, we hardly get time to think about our health. But one should not forget the old phrase '' Health is wealth''. Thus, no matter what one should not never compromise on health. A healthy lifestyle is extremely important and can help us in the long run. We should make sure that we...

intermittent fasting

The Beginners Guide To Intermittent Fasting

We often make a choice for fad diets when we are filled with insecurity, fear, desperation to lose weight or heal a disease. If you are one of those who has tried all diets and still finding the right one, then by now you must have known that none of the fad diets work. The...


Top 6 Healthy Traditional Snacks Your Kids Should Try!

Is your child fond of fancy food? Influenced by popular culture, we have embraced new and convenient foods like fries, pizzas and burgers. However, as celebrated chef Julia Child has said, sometimes the simple recipes passed down through generations are the best.Parents often make the mistake of thinking that when their child comes (more…)


Should You Be Eating Every Two Hours To Lose Weight?

There are some people who may need to eat every 2-3 hours. Those are people with a particular kind of diabetes which has reached a certain level and if they eat too much food at one point, the spike in their blood glucose/blood-sugar is very high. So they have smaller meals which are spread over...

kids diet

Don’t Force Feed Your Kids

Resorting to physical and psychological ways for feeding children can be harmful for them in the long run. As a parent we all know the importance of healthy eating habits for your child. We need to provide our child a balanced diet which includes all the essential nutrients. It is advisable to feed children at least one serving...