Tag - rejuvenation

7 day cleanse

Feeling Sluggish and Heavy Post-Festive Season? Try This 7-Day Cleanse

I hope you had a great festive season. I have messages pouring in, saying, "Luke, I overate and drank too much. I am feeling sleep deprived, heavy, and sluggish. My skin and hair are looking and feeling dull. What should I do to cleanse my system?" It is all in the past. It was the...

concoctions cleanse detox water

3 Quick and Easy Concoctions By Our Experts For A Natural Cleanse

How often do you feel tired, sluggish, and low on energy? Has your sweat started to stink more than usual? Do you experience unexplained headaches, brain fog, migraine, or insatiable cravings? Does your skin feel dull and pigmented and is prone to breakouts, rashes, and allergies? Do you carry excess weight or have recurring...

triphala benefits

Triphala: This Ancient Herb Can Benefit You In 10+ Ways

Triphala stands for tri-phal which translates to a combination of three fruits. These include Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). This polyherbal formulation is rooted deeply in Ayurveda which also classifies it as a tridoshic superfood. It means that it can balance all three doshas and is powerful for people...