Tag - detoxification

kidney care inexpensive lifestyle changes

The Most Inexpensive Way of Taking Care of Your Kidneys

I want to begin by recollecting a conversation with one of my clients. A hedge fund investor with a massive profile and a well-accomplished individual. He started by speaking to me about all the financial investments he made. I was looking at his health reports that showed a deteriorating kidney. If he did not...

breakfast not important

Breakfast Is NOT the Most Important Meal of the Day. Here’s Why.

For the longest time, most of us were made to believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of us were brainwashed to believe that eating breakfast would increase the chance of weight loss or that our metabolic activity is higher in the morning. I am guilty of believing that breakfast...

concoctions cleanse detox water

3 Quick and Easy Concoctions By Our Experts For A Natural Cleanse

How often do you feel tired, sluggish, and low on energy? Has your sweat started to stink more than usual? Do you experience unexplained headaches, brain fog, migraine, or insatiable cravings? Does your skin feel dull and pigmented and is prone to breakouts, rashes, and allergies? Do you carry excess weight or have recurring...

copper water benefits toxicity

Drinking Water Out of a Copper Vessel? Here’s What You Should Be Careful of

In most Indian homes, drinking water from a copper vessel is a common household practice. Many of us grew up with our parents and grandparents diligently storing and drinking water in copper kalsi, handas, and matkas. This simple tradition has existed in our culture for civilizations and is part of many Ayurvedic texts. The...

carrots cancer estrogen dominance

Carrots for Cancer, Estrogen Dominance and a Natural Cleanse

During my recent trip to New York, as I interacted with doctors, nutritionists, research scientists, and other integrative and lifestyle medicine experts, one revolutionary root vegetable kept coming up in conversations. Today I want to speak to you about it. It takes me back to my childhood. From grade 1 to 10, when my mum...

cardamom health benefits

Add THIS Spice for Better Digestion, Blood Sugar, BP, Metabolism, Sleep, and Natural Cleanse

Many of us have a love and hate relationship with this spice, especially when you are in the middle of eating a biryani or a lazzatdar pulao and biting on it. It is native to India and a staple ingredient in the cluster of spices that make the traditional garam masala. It even has...