Tag - IBS

From Struggling to Walk 1 KM to 10K Steps: Conquering IBS, Shedding Inches, and Embracing an Active Life!

  This 40-year-old came to us after undergoing a hysterectomy. Being on heavy antibiotics, led to severe gut issues including IBS.   Beyond IBS, she was also diagnosed with:   Fatty liver Severe diarrhea Abdominal pain cramps Plantar fasciitis Diabetes High cholesterol Low energy levels And more   This is her now.   What worked for her?   Activating the 5 intelligent systems of...

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

10 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve Today

Every human being is born with certain powers. Yet, most of us don't even use these today. One such incredible intelligence within you is your ability to stimulate the vagus nerve. What is the vagus nerve? Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which describes how this nerve wanders over your body and reaches various organs. The vagus nerve...

concoctions cleanse detox water

3 Quick and Easy Concoctions By Our Experts For A Natural Cleanse

How often do you feel tired, sluggish, and low on energy? Has your sweat started to stink more than usual? Do you experience unexplained headaches, brain fog, migraine, or insatiable cravings? Does your skin feel dull and pigmented and is prone to breakouts, rashes, and allergies? Do you carry excess weight or have recurring...


Can Ulcerative Colitis Be Reversed?

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a condition that was unheard of a couple of decades ago. But today, it plagues millions of people, from teenagers and young adults to even senior citizens. Many live with the condition for years. If there is one learning we have had from years of working on UC cases, it...

Struggling With PMS? THIS Calm Cycle Tea Will Help You

Premenstrual Syndrome is a condition that not everyone is comfortable discussing or feels the need to discuss. Approximately 3 out of 4 women say they have Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms at some point in their lifetimes, including mild symptoms. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of PMS that affects less than 5% of...


Migrating Motor Complex: How To Activate the Most Natural Gut Cleanse Ever?

“How do I build good gut health?” This is one of the most googled health questions in 2022. So many of us constantly look for superfoods, cleanses, prebiotics, probiotics, and supplements to take care of our gut. But while these may have their place, many of us forget the basics. Did you know that your body...

leaky gut symptoms fixes

What Is a Leaky Gut? Symptoms, Causes and Fixes

We often get asked why we speak about gut health all the time. Because your gut is the epicenter of good health. It influences neurotransmitter production, digestion, and metabolism and contributes to energy homeostasis (energy inflow and outflow), too. Most metabolic, autoimmune, and cognitive diseases start with gastrointestinal disturbances or imbalances because 70 to 80%...


Want Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair? THIS Mineral Is Important

Did you know sulfur is the third most abundant mineral element in the human body after calcium and phosphorus? From glowing skin, lustrous hair, and healthy fingernails to DNA repair - sulfur plays a crucial role in your body. And while you may read about it in scientific journals and your textbooks in school,...


5 Natural Home Remedies to Ease Constipation

As gross as it may sound, pay attention to the frequency, color, and consistency of your poop. It reflects your current health. While an average individual poops three to four times a week, those with a regular pattern pass bowels the same number of times a day and at fixed times. Are you pooping...

11 Health Benefits of Eating 6 Soaked Black Raisins a Day

How many of you grew up with your mothers and grandmothers encouraging you to soak nuts (almonds or black raisins) overnight before consuming them? Today we want to share a powerful practice that has existed in our country for centuries and can be a simple yet super impactful lifestyle change you could make today....