Tag - sleep patterns

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and Action

His body was affected more than 95% with psoriasis. Despite steroids and topical applications, nothing seemed to have worked. The doctors had put their hands up. The verdict was out. "This is the end of your treatment. You will have to deal with this condition for the rest of your life." Until he came to us in January 2023. ...

14 day challenge health weight circadian rhythm

Try This FREE 14-Day Challenge for Better Health and Weight

Today we will not discuss any superfood, spice, seed mix, exercise routine, remedy, or concoction. What I am going to do instead is give you a challenge. Are you up for it? All you need to do is follow this for the next 14 days. You can take a break on the weekend because...